Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in tech crew for the one-act. We had more people interested in participating on the performance crew than the one-act rules allow us to bring with us, so I had the difficult job of narrowing it down. Please know that I want all of you to be involved in some way, even if you aren’t able to travel with the production, so please join us for set or costume construction. You can find the dates/times we are meeting on the calendar.

Assistant Deck Captain Emily Anderson
Props Captain Kendall Rander
Stage Running Crew Neela Estochen
Lighting Crew Leo Ouradnik
Alex Ireland
Sound Crew Kylie Estochen

For those that weren’t able to make the tech crew kick-off meeting, please find the presentation below. If you have questions after reviewing the presentation, please contact the technical director, Jimmy at

Tech Crew Presentation

Please complete the following tech interest form so that we know what you are interested in doing. Performance crew positions will be announced by Friday, December 10th. Participation on a production crew does not require registration and is open to anyone who is interested.

Tech Crew Interest Form

THANK YOU ALL FOR AUDITIONING! You should all be proud about the bravery and talent you brought to auditions this week. If you have any questions about your audition please reach out to Leah.

If you where not cast, please don’t be discouraged. We want to see you all auditioning for future shows at East Ridge. If you still want to be involved with the show you are welcome to join us for the tech meeting next Monday afterschool.

For those who where cast our first rehearsal will be tomorrow after school in the black box. Please bring something to write with.

Victor Frankenstein Alex Doran
Gorgo Erik Rasmussen
The Creature Titus Scribner
Elizabeth Ava Cyr
Henry Lovitz Michael Edgerton
Aunt Frederica/Korda Ava Hattenberger
Berta Hailey Engelking
Dr. Hellstrom Naomi Tesfaye
Mother/Jalna Sydney Baxter
Daughter/Maria Grace Smith
Grave Digger/Horst Dylan Zeilinger-Johnson
Grave Digger/Second Man Sydney Segedi

Hello All!

Thank you to all who auditioned for “Frankenstein” this afternoon! Below is the call back list. If you are on this list, please come to the black box after school. We will be doing some more cold reads and some movement exercises. If you are not on this list do not fear, it just means we have seen all we needed to see from you. The cast list will be posted Wednesday no later then 10:00pm

Isabella (Bella) Bovtiz
Michael Edgerton
Titus Scribner
Sydney Segedi
Emma Williams
Ava Hattenberger
Grace Smith
Dylan Zeilinger-Johnson
Ava Cyr
Naomi Tesfaye
Anne Benjamin
Sydney Baxter
Hailey Engelking
Alex Doran
Erik Rasmussen
George Chalifoux

Thank you All!

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