If you were unable to attend the Tempest parent meeting, please take a moment to review the presentation found below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Leah or Jimmy.

Parent Meeting Presentation

If you missed the information meeting or would like to look over the presentation again, you can find it here: Tech Crew Information Meeting Slides


If you are interested in participating on the tech crew for our spring play, please fill out the tech crew interest form: Tech Crew Interest Form

Thank you so much for taking time out of your week to spend with us learning about The Tempest and Shakespeare. Maria and Lucas were very impressed with all of you as was I. Casting a show is never easy. If you don’t see your name below, please do not be discouraged. We want to see you all auditioning for future shows at East Ridge. If you still want to be involved with the show you are welcome to join us for the tech meeting tomorrow after school in the choir room.

For those who where cast our first rehearsal will be tomorrow after school in the theater. We won’t go any later than 5pm. For those of you who cannot be at the meeting, please pickup your scripts in the theater office. We will begin in earnest the Tuesday after spring break. Please check the rehearsal schedule and additional information about the production.

Prospero Erik Rasmussen
Miranda Ava Cyr
Antonio Alex Doran
Ferdinand Hunter Fizel
Ariel Riley Hestwood
Caliban Reece Loveridge
Alonso Michael Edgerton
Gonzalo Sydney Baxter
Sebastian Titus Scribner
Adrian Dylan Zeilinger-Johnson
Francisco Nathan Klimpel
Boatswain Brooklin Giddings
Trinculo Naomi Tesfaye
Stephano Isabella Jones
Iris Grace Smith
Ceres Olivia Vue
Juno Sydney Segedi
Spirits Bella Bovitz
Grace Smith
Leslie Switala
Macey Spolidoro
Olivia Vue
Sydney Segedi
Toby Joseph

The Workshop

Monday, February 28th – Tuesday March 1st from 3:30-6:30pm
and Wednesday, March 2nd from 3:30-5:30pm
Black Box Theater (Mon), The Loft Stage (Tue-Wed)

Are you afraid of Shakespeare? No need! We are excited to welcome members from the Youth Shakespeare Company to put on a workshop to take the fear away! We will be learning about performing Shakespeare and about The Tempest. The workshop is open to any ERHS student interested in attending even if you aren’t auditioning for the spring play.

Workshop Registration Form
Please fill out this form if you are interested in participating in the workshop, but are not auditioning for the production, The Tempest.

The Auditions

Auditions for the spring play, The Tempest, will be taking place during the Shakespeare Workshop. Please plan to attend all workshop days if you are auditioning for the production. If you have any questions, please contact Marcie Panian.

The Tempest Audition Form
Please fill out this form if you are interested in auditioning for the spring play, The Tempest. This will also register you for the Shakespeare Workshop, from which the production will be cast.

* The audition form will not work using your school account. Please use this form only if you DO NOT have an alternative Google Account: Alternate Tempest Audition Form

The first rehearsal of the cast will take place on Thursday, March 3rd from 3:30-5:30pm.

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