**Update Auditions moved to Wednesday November 30th**
Auditions for this year’s one act play “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen are Tuesday November 29th after school in the Black Box Theatre with Callbacks the following day. Performances will be January 20th with sub-sections at East Ridge on January 25th.
What to prepare for auditions:
Please fill out the audition form before auditions which is linked here: Audition Form
Please prepare a monologue of your choosing that is 1 to 2 minutes in length. Memorizing is encouraged but not required. If you cannot find a monologue you may read one provided at auditions. If you have any questions about this please reach out to Leah Jensen
What the show is about:
Nora Helmer is preparing for the holidays while her husband, Torvald, prepares to take on his new role as Bank Manager. Nora is threatened by Nils Krogstad, an employee at the bank to convince Torvald to save his job or he will expose her crime of taking out a loan without a man’s signature.
Nora Helmer: The protagonist of the story. She is married to Torvald and mother to Emmy. She is dedicated to her family and works hard to ensure their happiness. She sometimes lets her fantasies get the better of her.
Torvald Helmer: Torvald is married to Nora and the father of Emmy. He has recently gotten the job of Bank Manager which starts in the new year. Torvald has very strict values about morality and money.
Christine Linde: An old school friend of Nora’s who has come to town looking for a job. She was widowed three years prior and is ready to start fresh.
Nils Krogstad: A bank employee and a widower and father of several children. He committed fraud many years ago but was never convicted. He has heard that he might be fired from the bank because of it. Years prior he lent Nora a loan assuming her father had signed it.
Dr. Rank: An older man who is close friends with Nora and Torvald. He dealt with chronic illness his whole life but now believes he is close to death.
Anne: She is the maid/nanny for the Helmer’s. She was also Nora’s nanny when she was a child. She is like a mother to Nora.
Emmy: Nora and Torvald’s 6 year old daughter. She loves to play with Nora and is very much loved by the both of them.
If you want to audition but can’t make it or have any questions please reach out to Leah at leahjensen17@gmail.com
Hope to see you there!