Triple Threat: Juniors and Seniors, there is a recorded (and possibly live) audition and essay. Please talk to Mrs. Hestwood ASAP.

Pictures: Please send pictures and videos to Nolan.

Senior Tassels: Thespian inducted graduation tassels for graduation cap are $12.50 in the Loft Store. If you return it after graduation you will get $8 back.

Spring Play: Register by this Friday or you will not be able to participate. There is a link on the Loft Stage website.

Loft Stage Banquet:.The banquet will be Wednesday May 17th at 6pm in the Loft Theatre

Relay for Life: Join the Loftie Team

International Thespian Conference: If you received a superior rating at the State Thespian Conference you are invited to attend the International Thespian Conference.

~Abby Feuer 🙂

March Minutes ~Abby Feuer

Spotlight: Triple Threat (send a video) : This is for Juniors and Seniors. Submissions can be turned in from now till April 21st. Talk with a Loftpac officer for details. Jimmy can film, but he will be gone a lot in April, so be on top of things.

Spotlight : (google form) Mermaid Medley (techies fill out as well ) Please commit to rehearsals. It does not conflict with speech nationals.

Pictures: Please send pictures and videos to Nolan.

Relay for Life: Join our relay team! (Lofties) Cali is coordinating our relay team and there will be a sign up on Facebook / remind. We will have a booth for fundraising. This is a great way to support Wyatt Hallstrom and Mrs. Schiller!

Officers: Sign up to be an officer. There is a google form on Facebook!

Theatre Banquet will be May 17th

Once in a Lifetime: Comes from a 1932 movie, watch it! It is a situation comedy with 3 main characters and up to 35 characters total (people may play more then one part). It is on YouTube. It is a long play with three acts and it’s SUPER COOL! Auditions are March 21st and 22nd , with callbacks the 23rd for non-speech kids and the 24th for speech kids. The Meet N Greet for the spring play is March 27th if you are cast. Next week audition applications and sides will be available.


~Abby Feuer 🙂

Thespian Conference: On Sunday, be at ERHS at 8:35 to load the bus.. On Monday, be at ERHS at 6:50 to load the bus.

Pictures: Please send pictures and videos to Nolan.

Senior Tassels: Thespian inducted graduation tassels for graduation cap are $12.50 in the Loft Store. If you return it after graduation you will get $8 back.

Officers: Start thinking about becoming an officer for next year.

Triple Threat and Spotlight Medley: More info coming.

Grease is at the Chanhassen

Scholars of Distinction: Sophomores are welcome to think about it (Juniors and Seniors next year)

Team Wyatt Bracelets

Relay for Life: Join the Loftie Team

Spring Play: Third week in March is the spring play auditions for Once In A Lifetime- it is a comedy.

Care Packages: We will be working on those next month

State Thespian Officers: Mrs. Hestwood posted on the student page to be a State Thespian Officer. Officers organize the MN State Thespian Festival and meet people from all over. It looks good on a college application. You get to hang out at The Guthrie a lot and work on individual and small group projects. All grades are welcome. The google form is on Facebook and needs to be done by this Sunday.

~Abby Feuer 🙂

Lake Auditions there will be a sign up genius on the Facebook page. If you don’t have a Facebook talk with Mrs. Hestwood. If you are in the One Act you won’t be able to participate. Sign up ASAP. Help lead warm ups and run scenes. Start time is 3:30pm

Ashland Act is like Prairie Fire (more info to come)

Loftie Care Packages: Second weekend in February, during our meeting we get addresses and bring stuff to send to them (every loftie)

Ushers: sign up genius. Get to see the show for free. If you are in the show you can’t participate.

Thespian Conference: register by tomorrow. If you participate you will get to see one acts and do workshops. First day is at a local High School and the second day is at The Guthrie. You do not have to perform in NIES to participate in the conference. There are things to participate in such as yoga, tap dancing, how to scream without hurting your voice, view One Acts, participate in Tech Challenges, view NIES performances etc… NIES is part of the Thespian Conference and that is where you perform and get feedback. It is not a competition. On the second day at The Guthrie you get to take a backstage tour, take a general tour of the building or get special tours of the costume or scene shops. More info is on their website. It is $60 not including a t shirt ($10 discount if you are an initiated Thespian.)There is a $10 late fee if you register after January 20th.

One Act Festival: it is January 20th at Woodbury High School This is not a competition. It show cases East Ridge, Park and Woodbury.

~Abby Feuer 🙂

Tech Meeting was Tuesday, December 5th. Not a lot of tech hours for the winter One Acts

London/Dublin Trip: meeting is Thursday, December 15th at 6pm. Parents and students are invited to come and discuss trip and decide shows

Parent Meeting for One Act: meeting is Thursday, December 15th at 7pm. Any people involved in any aspects of the One Acts should attend this meeting.

Suessical and Aspire Show Choir: Performances this weekend December 9th-11th at The Loft Stage.

MTO: Students submit 10-30 minute plays. There will be 4 shows overall. You have to submit this via google doc Saturday the 10th by midnight. The same google doc can be used to audition to be an actor in one of these shows. For actors, a short video is needed on December 14th by midnight. Directors can send in a form, and techies are needed too. These will be performed at the Conference. The rehearsal schedule is chill, and will be set up if you are part of the shows.

NIES: Planning meetings after winter break (pair up people that need partners, etc.) Meet two weeks before the conference to perform for Mrs. Hestwood and everyone else. Techie NIES are available as well!

Christmas Party: A Christmas Story theme- will be Friday, December 16th (address coming on Facebook). Dinner will be provided. Everyone will bring something to share such as an appetizer, dessert or snack. There will be a $10-$15 white elephant gift exchange (gift should be weird but useful)!

Caroling: Lofties will be caroling with Mrs. Grannis Saturday, December 17th. More info, including address coming student Facebook.

Alumni Cabaret: Skits and Songs, December 29th at 7pm (approximately 1.5 hours) in The Loft Stage (NOT BLACKBOX)

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Thespian Point System

Please use the following form to submit theatrical work, past and present, in order to keep accurate records for spring induction.

Click the following link to see the suggested point values for theatre-related activities:

Suggested Point Values

Lettering Policy

In order to earn an East Ridge letter in theatre, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Participate in each of the three main-stage productions in some capacity (e.g. acting, technician, set construction, ushering, etc.).
  2. Earn a bear minimum of ten Thespian points for East-Ridge-related theatre activities (see details above about point allocations).
  3. Complete at least ten set construction hours in the East Ridge scene shop. This total is inclusive of individual production requirements.

Please use the above Google form to input participation as that documentation will be used to track lettering as well.

LoftPAC Officers

Neela Estochen – Tech Representative
Kylie Estochen – Community Outreach
Hailey Engelking – Communications
Maddie Gerber – Historian
Chandler Schmitz – Education Outreach
Macey Spolidoro – Community Building