A few words from your LoftPAC president, Abby Winston:

What a great start to a new school year!  In the five weeks since school started, we have been very busy here at the Loft Stage.  We started the year off with a bang with auditions for our fall musical Into the Woods.  Then, we walked in the homecoming parade, participated in the Out of the Darkness walk, and started set and costume construction!  WOW.  October is also a big month for the Loft Stage–ValleyScare on October 3rd, Butter Braid sales, the New York trip, and more rehearsals for Into the Woods!  Thank you to all those who have been coming to set and costume construction in the past few weeks! It has been amazing seeing how many people are involved with this production.  We hope to see all of you at the next LoftPAC meeting, Monday October 6th after school in the choir room.  Thank you for all your hard work, Lofties! 🙂


Jayden Cline (’12) is a junior at UW-Madison. He just joined an international touring a’cappella group called the University of Wisconsin Madhatters. They have a big show coming up on November 21, 2014 at the Orpheum Theater. Check out more information on the website madhattersuw.com or like The Madhatters on Facebook. In his “spare” time, Jayden is researching cancer biology in the lab.

Jayden is looking forward to seeing you all in November at Woods!

Ryan Richardson

Ryan Richardson (’14) is beginning his Freshman year at University of Minnesota, Duluth by fully embracing the theater program AND the Duluth environment. Ryan will be doing lighting for A Doll’s House and Legally Blonde this fall.  Wish him luck in his upcoming audition for The Break of Noon.

Isabel Cuddihy

Isabel Cuddihy (’11) has been very busy since leaving ERHS. In addition to performances on stage and screen, Isabel is featured on the original cast recording of  Space Voyage-The Musical Frontier with Intermission Theatre. you can see the entire show on Youtube here.

In addition to perusing a double major in Communication Arts and Drama, Isabel has studied at the New York Conservatory for the Dramatic Arts, the Tisch School for Arts and Stern Business School at New York University. She works on Badger productions and did an internship with Jean Doumanian Production in NYC, the company that made August Osage County.

Isabel has been keeping busy doing exciting things for the last three years!

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