ARE YOU GETTING THE NEWSLETTER????~It is essential that you and/or your parent are signed up and receiving the newsletter. If you are not, please see Ms.Hestwood ASAP. There is a lot of important info going out on each one of the newsletters and it is essential that you know everything!

Loft Stage Summer Camp (Aug.3-7)~Lofties, please check your availability for these dates to help at our annual Loft Stage Summer Camp! We would love to have a lot of volunteers to help with the kids and possibly run workshops. Sign up with your availability outside of Ms.Hestwood’s office.

Reminder: Look out for upcoming dates for our Summer shop clean-out day and the beginning of summer set construction for Fiddler! All dates will be able to be found in upcoming newsletters and the website soon.

Aug 29th~ Floats and a Float! Please join us for our annual Root Beer Float Party for incoming freshmen Lofties and working on the Woodbury Days Float for the Loft Stage! Let any incoming freshmen that you know about this and spread the word! Look out for a time in upcoming newsletters and the website soon.

Aug 30th~Woodbury Days Parade! Lofties, please join us in representing The Loft Stage in the annual Woodbury Days parade! More info coming soon!

Do you or someone you know have a pick-up truck? Do you or someone you know have a trailer? If the answer was yes to either of those questions, please contact Ms. Hestwood ASAP!

Thanks for a fantastic year LoftPAC! 🙂

Abby Winston: Queen of the Lofties

LoftPAC president Abby Winston has known plenty of triumphs and tribulations during her four years as an ERHS Loftie, but she’s not complaining about that roller coaster ride, because when she found the Loft, she found friends like no other.

Q: As a student leader of the Loft Stage, what have been your high points and low points this year?

A: My high point of the year was definitely the whole process of Into the Woods. From auditions to the closing of the show, the cast was so dedicated and so excited to make every aspect of the show the very best it could be. The closeness of the cast is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. My low point of the year is a personal one. It was really difficult not being cast in the winter play. Not being in the show made me lose connection with the rest of the program, so I felt like I wasn’t being a very good LoftPAC president. I hope I redeemed myself in the Spring 🙂

Q:  You’ve been deeply involved in theater for the past four years.  What is your absolutely favorite memory?

A: My absolute favorite memory of my four years at The Loft Stage is the hour and a half between when we were told that the cast list for Into the Woods would be posted and the time when it actually was posted. Everyone was on Twitter–actors, pit members, crew members, alumni– waiting for the list. There were many “Agony” jokes and encouraging tweets at each other. The fun on Twitter before the list was posted made waiting for the list a little easier, and really started off the positive musical cast camaraderie that I talked about before.

Q:  From your student perspective, what is the Loft Stage’s greatest strength?  How about its greatest weakness?

A: The Loft Stage’s greatest strength is the talent that we have here. But that is also its greatest weakness. Obviously our amazing talent allows us to put on shows that rival some professional productions, but it also can discourage new people from auditioning and even current Lofties from setting high goals for themselves.

Q: If you could change one thing about the Loft or the Loftie experience, what would it be?

A: If I could change one thing about the Loftie experience, it would be to not take everything so seriously. This is still high school theatre! We can have an incredible production and still have fun- especially during audition week.

Q: Who would you want to play you in a movie?

A: Zooey Deschanel, obviously. Another awkward brunette with bangs who plays the ukulele.

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for the Loft Theater students who will be here next year?

A: My words of wisdom for current and future Lofties is to not let an award affect how you feel about your performance. I know how obsessed we all get about SpotLight during the musical, but please don’t let SpotLight results determine how you felt about your performance. If you were proud of yourself before SpotLight awards were announced, don’t let your award change your opinion of yourself.

SIDE NOTE: It has been such a pleasure leading you guys this year. You guys are my best friends, my biggest supporters, and my favorite people in the whole world, so continue to be amazing, and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future!

-Love, Abby

Scholars of DistinctionAnna Reimann and Garrett Hildebrandt were selected as Minnesota Scholars of Distinction by the Minnesota Department of Education. Pictured above with their scene partners Samantha Wynn and Tony May, these talented Lofties will be honored in a ceremony on May 16th at the Perpich Center for the Arts in Golden Valley.

Garrett has been selected to perform at the ceremony, the second time in two years that an East Ridge student has been selected for this singular honor.

Congratulations Anna and Garrett on your hard work and outstanding achievement!

May 11th~ Laura and Friends Masterclass! Laura Osnes, the Spotlight spokesperson and Broadway actress, will be hosting a masterclass for all aspects of performance! It is from 6-8:30 P.M. and it is free, but you must register ahead of time. More information can be found if you click on the LoftPAC tab. Note: This is the night of the choir concert, so many of you will not be able to attend. But if you can, please take advantage of this opportunity!

May 20th~ Theatre Banquet! We will be celebrating the amazing year the ERHS Theatre Program has had and honoring all of the amazing Lofties we have and some amazing Loftie parents! Bring your friends and family too. The cost is $10 per person. Tickets can be bought at the Loft Stage Store on the website! WE NEED A FINAL HEADCOUNT BY FRIDAY, SO PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ORDERS BY FRIDAY OR SOONER. Hope to see you there!

Our Spotlight Medley is posted on the Loft Stage website. Please review this and note if you have any new conflicts, please tell Ms.Hestwood if so. The schedule can be found under the LoftPAC tab if you click on Spotlight Calendar and the Rehearsal Calendar.

May 29th~ Newport Day! This is a day for several Lofties to travel to Newport to spend the day with some elementary school kids and show them how much fun theatre is, play theatre games with them, and have a great time! If you are interested in voulenteering to go, the sign up sheet can be found outside Ms.Hestwood’s office.

Officers for the 2015-2016 School Year~ If you are interested in applying to be an officer for next year, you need to schedule a time slot with Ms.Hestwood to do your interview. Ms.Hestwood’s schedule for the week is posted outside her office, so please sign up for a time slot ASAP. ALL INTERVIEWS SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY FRIDAY!

Lettering~ All lettering forms should have been completed by last Friday, but you can still turn them in! PLEASE TURN THEM IN BY TOMORROW IF POSSIBLE! Please don’t let your hard work this year go unrewarded!

Thespian Points~ Today at the meeting, Lofties got a chance to fill out their thespian points sheets for the last time this year. If you were unable to attend the meeting, find your folder in Ms.Hestwood’s office and update it. PLEASE UPDATE ALL FORMS BY TOMORROW IF POSSIBLE! If they are not updated before Friday, they will not be counted towards this year!! Don’t let your hard work this year go unnoticed!

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