Purchase your 2018 theater banquet tickets here:

2018 Theater Banquet Tickets

Please purchase by May 10th.

LoftPac Officers: If you would like to be a LoftPac officer for next year, you can fill out a google form with the position you want, leadership-related questions to answer etc Possible positions: President, VP, Community Outreach, Community Building, Historian and STO/Thespian Officer. After everyone has applied to be an officer students will vote for who they would like for each position. The current officers and Mrs. Carlson will meet to go over the votes and make the final decision based on students votes. Https://goo.gl/8k6S1M

 Scapino : Spring Play Director Marcie Berglund (mberglund@theloftstage.org) , comedy including singing, acrobatis and an Italian flare. Poster Plaster is April 21st. Performances are May 4th and 5th at 7:30pm and May 6th at 2pm. Strike will be immediately after the show.

Loft Store: New Loft merch such as socks, patches and Techie T-Shirts are coming soon to the loft store.

 Stage to Screen Movie Night: Noises Off is what we will be watching! It is a straight play (comedy). Friday, April 13th at 7pm in the Loft! Snacks will be provided.

Relay For Life: The Relay Committee is, Team Captain: Elizabeth Avery 651-894-3459 along with the other members Alex Bretoi, Jonas Hallstrom, Abby Feuer, Meghan Horan and Anya Steffel. Join the team by making an account, click “join this team” https://secure.acsevents.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=my_team&fr_id=87744. The Relay Kickoff Meeting is optional on April 7th, 9am at Health East. 42 days until RELAY!!! Each individual has a goal of at least $100 they need to raise for the team. If you raise the $100 by Tuesday, April 24th you will receive a participant t-shirt. Email family and friends, post on social media, ask your neighbors, do odd jobs and get out there and FUNDRAISE! On May 8th Dairy Queen is partnering with Relay again this year and will give $1, of every Blizzard sold, will go back to Relay for Life. So, grab your family and friends and get a blizzard on May 8th and fight back against cancer. You can buy a luminaria bag from Elizabeth (when she gets them) for $10 and decorate them in honor or memory of someone you know who has had cancer.

Lettering and Inductions into International Thespians: List of both will be released at the May LoftPac meeting. Please update your Google Form submissions ASAP!! Requirements for both are on the Loft Stage website.

Banquet: The banquet will take place on May 18th in the Media Center. Officers and shows will be announced for the 2018-2019 school year. There will be food, performances and inductions to the Thespian Society. Check upcoming Loft Newsletter for more details. The time will be determined at a later date. The banquet is the same night as Relay for Life.

Attached is the PowerPoint used at tonight’s parent meeting. Here, you will find important dates and expectations for cast and crew members. We ask that all parents fill out the following google form to gather contact information and to organize groups for volunteerism: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2DEfNSyhW1qGbZjZff8yqO8gPjibDVNQPL3532IzZHVkD8Q/viewform

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Please email Katie Carlson or Marcie Berglund for more information.

Get your spring play t-shirts at The Loft Store.

Please order by Friday, March 30th.

Act One Scene 1: Top of show to page 20 before Argante entrance
Act One Scene 2: Page 20 at Argante’s entrance to page 31 before song.
Act One Scene 3: bottom of page 31 at song “Pollo All Americana” (performed by all waiters and waitresses) to page 48 at Sylvestro’s Entrance
Act One Scene 4: Sylvestro’s entrance on page 48 to end of Act One.


Act Two Scene 1: Top of Act (pg 60) to page 67 before Geronte enters.
Act Two Scene 2: page 67 (Geronte’s entrance) to page 72 before Zerbinetta enters.
Act Two scene 3: Page 72 (Zerbinettas entrance) to end.


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