WELCOME TO THE LOFT STAGE The Loft Stage at East Ridge, a 938 seat state of the art facility, is home to East Ridge High School Band, Orchestra, Choir and Theater as well as the primary venue for Merrill Arts Center and many of our community's best fine arts events. If you have not yet visited the Loft, check out Peter and the Starcatcher, coming this May to The Loft Stage! Girls in the BoatAlice by HeartThe Loft Stage

The Loft Stage is seeking energetic performers ages 4th-8th grade. We are looking to cast Young Cosette (F), Young Eponine (F), and Gavroche (M). Please prepare a song from the show, either “Castle on a Cloud” (female) or “Little People” (male). Sheet music is attached and accompaniment will be provided. Auditions will take place in the East Ridge High School Choir Room.

Download [290.70 KB]

Download [592.93 KB]

Thank you to everyone who auditioned for “Les Miserables.” We were so impressed with what you showed us and are incredibly proud of the work you did. We had a higher number of students audition this year than we have the past 4 years! If you were not cast, please continue to audition in the future and consider joining tech. The first technical crew meeting is Friday, September 7th at 3:45 in the choir room. The first rehearsal will be Thursday, August 30 in the Black Box.

Valjean – Ethan Williams
Fantine – Kat Grannis
Javert – Alex Bretoi
Marius – Jack Johnson
Cosette – Abby Feuer
Thenardier – McCrossen Schiller
Madam Thenardier – Elizabeth Avery
Enjolras – Carter Bannwarth
Eponine – Baylee Stevenson


Adam Garrity
Adam Ryerse
Alex Doran
Alexa Sandberg
Allison Benjamin
Anya Lu
Anya Steffel
Arsema Belai
Bella Massa
Benjamin Sayers
Cam Stevens
Cassie Gleason
Derek Dols
Emily Johnson
Emma Lilly
Emma Pfeifer
Erik Haering
Erik Rasmussen
Franklin Rapp
Gabby Franus
Iris Youngdahl
Janie Mooreland
Jason Chang
Jonas Hallstrom
Kate Christensen
Lauren Mallak
Lauren Nelson
Lindsey Seif
Luke Pfluger
Maggie Barringer
Maren VanDeest
Maria Grismer
Megan Macone-Handy
Meghan Horan
Meghan Roeser
Miracle Etuakwu
Natalie Engh
Reed Williams
Sammy Trevis
Savannah John
Sydney Baxter
Sydney Bramel
Sydney Richmond
Valentina Arias Garcia
Victoria Pommalath

***Supporting roles are still to be named from the ensemble

Thank you to all of the amazing talent who auditioned for Les Mis and please remember to check the final cast list again tomorrow, we will be casting people who were not called back. The first cast meeting will be this Thursday at 3:30pm in the black box. If you are interested in helping the production in another way, please attend the tech meeting on Friday, September 7th at 3:45 in the choir room.

Abby Feuer
Adam Garrity
Adam Ryerse
Alexa Sandberg
Alex Bretoi
Allison Benjamin
Baylee Stevenson
Cam Stevens
Carter Bannwarth
Derek Dols
Elizabeth Avery
Emma Pfeifer
Erik Haering
Ethan Williams
Franklin Rapp
Gabby Franus
Jack Johnson
Jonas Hallstrom
Kat Grannis
Lauren Nelson
Luke Pfluger
McCrossen Schiller
Sammy Trevis
Victoria Pommalath

New this year, we will audition for our fall musical, Les Miserables, the last week in August. If for some reason a student is unable to attend auditions due to summer conflicts, please contact director Kajsa Jones at kjones@theloftstage.org ASAP so we can arrange an alternative audition time.

Prior to auditioning, actors and actresses must complete the following online form: https://goo.gl/forms/olFLqwf0SVlAtw1F2

Auditions will take place Monday, August 27th and Tuesday, August 28th at 3:30pm in the Loft Stage. Students need only come to one of these two audition days – we encourage returning Lofties to audition on Monday if at all possible. For the audition, students may prepare a song in the vocal styling of the show or learn a song (“Do You Hear the People Sing?”) from Les Mis at auditions. Sheet music for that selection is attached for perusal. Auditions will also include brief acting exercises and there a dance call, both Monday and Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm. Pease wear comfortable clothing and footwear.

Callbacks will be Wednesday, August 29th at 3:30pm in the choir room (rm. 1055). As students prepare for and consider the many dynamic roles this production has to offer, please do not feel limited by the age and/or gender of characters. The creative team is open to actor interpretations and risk-taking.

Any additional questions regarding auditions can be sent to director Kajsa Jones (kjones@theloftstage.org) or assistant director Katie Carlson (kcarlson@theloftstage.org).

CLICK HERE to view sheet music for auditions.

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