Please utilize the sign-up form to indicate the days you will be coming to set. We need to limit attendance to 10 students and 2 parents each night, so we are utilizing a sign-up form to do that. If you have questions, please contact Jimmy.
Please utilize the sign-up form to indicate the days you will be coming to set. We need to limit attendance to 10 students and 2 parents each night, so we are utilizing a sign-up form to do that. If you have questions, please contact Jimmy.
Thank you all for submitting your audition videos. We thoroughly enjoyed watching your videos from the comfort of a living room. If you were not cast, please do not be discouraged. We would encourage you to participate on the crew or try out for a future production.
The tech crew meeting is tomorrow afternoon at 3pm virtually.
Virtual Tech Meeting Link
Cast, our first meeting is Wednesday, September 30th in the theater. The supporting players are called for the entire rehearsal. The individual casts will be called at:
3:30pm – Mark of the Beast
4:15pm – The Cask of Amontillado
5:00pm – The Canterville Ghost
Mark of the Beast
Alex Doran
Erik Haering
Lawson Sharrer
Ethan Kalafatich
Adam Garrity
Lauren Nelson
The Canterville Ghost
Allison Benjamin
Reed Williams
Alexa Sandberg
Hunter Fizel
Natalie Engh
Zoe Sellner-Keer
Erik Rasmussen
Alexa Grace LaFontaine-Larson
The Cask of Amontillado
Connor Hestwood
Carter Bannwarth
Chandler Schmitz
Lindsey Seif
Supporting Players
Henry North
Benjamin Sayers
Addyson Clemens
Ava Hattenberger
Our 2020 Fall Play production consists of three radio plays adapted from classic works by Edgar Allen Poe, Rudyard Kipling and Oscar Wilde.
The Cask of Amontillado: Driven by his burning desire to avenge his family’s suffering and father’s death. Montressor tricks his arrogant and boastful archrival into assisting in his own hideous demise.
The Mark of the Beast: A lack of respect for the spiritual power of the Monkey God exacts a horrible price on a soldier.
The Canterville Ghost: Doomed to spend the rest of his life haunting a castle a ghost’s wish is finally granted thanks to a single act of kindness by a child.
To maintain social distancing we are asking folks to submit a video for their audition. This video should be a recording of you reading one of the monologues provided in the sides. Please also slate* in your video as a separate character from the character you are reading. Feel free to experiment with dialects, expressions and gestures in your reading. You will be able to submit your video in the audition form.
If you have any questions please email either Marcie or Leah.
* For those who don’t know a slate is an introduction before your audition. For instance a slate might sound like: Hi my name is (Insert Name here) and I will be reading monologue #2. For this audition we would like you to slate as another character(not yourself).
Audition Sides
Audition Form *
Audition Info Presentation
* The audition form will not work using your school account. Please use this form only if you DO NOT have an alternate Google account: Alternate Audition Form.
If you are interested in participating on the tech crew for this production, you are highly encouraged to attend the virtual tech crew meeting on Tuesday, September 29th at 3pm. Please also complete the tech interest form so that we know who all is interested.
While we need techs for every area, it is more important than ever that we have a full video crew as we will be live streaming the performances each night. If you know anyone who might be interested, please let them know to fill out the interest form.
Tech Interest Form *
Tech Crew Info Presentation
* The tech form will not work using your school account. Please use this form only if you DO NOT have an alternate Google account: Alternate Tech Form.
Rehearsals for this production will take place in the theater from 3:30pm until 6:30pm during the week. The three separate casts will rehearse separately with time provided in between for sanitizing the space.
Please see the calendar for specific rehearsal times. This will also be updated to reflect who is called when.
So long as school doesn’t move to distance learning, performances for the production will take place in person in the theater. At this time there will not be a live audience in the theater, but each performance will be live streamed to a virtual audience.
Performances will take place November 13-15th, with strike taking place on November 15th immediately following the performance.
In case you missed the tap workshop, we recorded it! If you’d like to watch a recording of The Loft Stage’s tap workshop, the link below will take you to a video recording of it!
Also, if you attended, please fill out the workshop survey so we can get your feedback!
Our online lighting workshop is happening!!!
If you’re interested (or know anyone in 8th grade that will be attending East Ridge High School), please click the link below to register. This workshop will be covering the basics of lighting design and you will be able to learn how a professional lighting designer does his job. Mark Ruark who designs the lighting for the Loft’s musicals will be teaching this workshop. Everything from types of lighting fixtures, to design process, to how to operate the lighting board will be covered. Questions will be answered throughout the workshop via the chat feature and if you have any questions you’d like to ask in person, those will be answered after Mark finishes talking about all the different aspects of lighting design. If you have any questions, please contact Jared Doran ( with any questions! Space is limited so sign up fast!