We are going to continue to work on the Hobbit! Here is your assignment. (besides learning your lines using your dialects).

I would like each individual in each group (Goblins, Dwarves, Men, Trolls, Gollum) to come up with a physical posture.

You can build this physicality using the stock character building process below:

*What position are feet in. (feet out, in, on toes etc.)

*What is happening with the knees (does this character lead with knees, are the knees bowed or     knocked)

*Hips:  Forward or back (butt more prominent?)

*Back:  Arched? Slouched? Straight?

*Chest:  forward, concave?

*Shoulders:  Up, down, forward, back, crooked?

*Neck:  Stiff, pulling head forward or back?

*Face:  lips scrunched, crooked, pursed or tight lips (when not talking of course but do you talk and can you talk with one of these elements.

Once you have built this character take a picture of yourself and send it to me and then I will send it to Leah to post on the website.  Meredith and I will look at them and try to pick the dominant posture for each group (remembering that each goblin, dwarves, etc.  should be somewhat similar as they share the same DNA). Hoping this will be fun for all of us.  Remember be creative and don’t hold back!

 Meredith is going to record the core fight moves we went over the last rehearsal so you all can continue to go over those.  Choreographing the fights will go much faster if you are solid on the moves.

Here is the link to the slideshow:

March Slideshow!

Quick Summary:

  • Log your Thespian points!
  • Get involved in and register for the spring play
  • Consider joining the Relay for Life committee
  • Mark your calendars for the theatre banquet (Friday, May 15th)
  • Get hyped about Chamber Theatre!

Please reach out to any of the officers if you have any questions! Have a great spring break!

Bilbo Sammy Trevis
Gandolf Elizabeth Avery
Thorin Erik Haering
Gollum Zoe Sellner-Keer
Bard Cam Stevens
Maxwell Meghan Horan
Dork Lauren Nelson
Doof Maren VanDeest
Goblin King Carter Bannwarth
Smaug Lauren Nelson
Dwarves Raaga Podaralla
Bella Jones
Michael Cauthorn
Ella Windle
Alfonso Amores
Emma Lilly
Goblins Alexa Sandberg
Reed Williams
Grace Smith
Lawson Sharrer
Emma Williams
Nathan Klimpel
Men (humans) Alex Doran
Erik Rasmussen
William Dietert
Janie Mooreland
Bella Massa
Fight Captain Alexa Sandberg

For those that weren’t able to make the tech crew kick-off meeting, please find the presentation below. If you have questions after reviewing the presentation, please contact the technical director, Jimmy at jstocco@theloftstage.org.

Tech Crew Presentation

Please complete the following tech interest form so that we know what you are interested in doing once we start assigning crew roles. Please note that only performance crew positions are assigned and production crews are open to anyone who has registered and would like to join.

Tech Crew Interest Form

Hello Everyone!

Below is the callback list. If you are not called back don’t despair, the cast list will be posted this weekend. If you have received a called back please meet in the black box after school tomorrow.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Marcie.

Sammy Trevis
Cam Stevens
Maren Van Deest
Alexa Sandberg
Elizabeth Avery
Erik Haering
Alex Doran
Erik Rasmussen
William Dietert
Meghan Horan
Lauren Nelson
Raaga Podaralla
Micheal Cauthorn
Bella Massa
Carter Bannwarth
Bella Jones
Zoe Sellner-Keep

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