The highlight of February was the Thespian Festival, which took place on the 17th and 18th.  On the first day, The Big Meal took the stage in the One-Act competition and won first place!  Along with bragging rights, the cast and crew now have the opportunity to perform their show at the International Thespian Festival in June in Lincoln, Nebraska. On the second day, Katherine Spicuzza and Naomi Ridley performed solos, and Mandy Durose and Pari Cariaga performed a duet for NIES (National Individual Event Showcase).  NIES gives students the opportunity to perform in order to receive constructive criticism.  If a person receives three superiors, they are given the opportunity to perform at the International Festival.  Katherine was able to wow the judges with her rendition of “Gimme, Gimme” from Thoroughly Modern Millie and now has the chance to sing in Lincoln.  Bravo Katherine!  The Thespian Festival is a great place to learn more about the areas of theater you enjoy the most, but also to expose yourself to something new.  If you didn’t get to attend this year, make sure to go next year.

Help out the Loft Stage by donating items around your home for use in theatre productions.

Here’s George’s Spring Cleaning Wish List:

  • Furniture (present a photo before delivery)
  • Household items for props
  • Usable Latex Paint (1/2 gallon minimum)
  • Fabrics or novelties for making costumes
  • Clothing for costumes
  • Curtains, tablecloths, blankets, etc.
  • Storage containers
  • Pictures or wall hangings

Use the link below to register for the spring play. Only those that are participating should complete the registration.

Spring Play Registration Form

Auditions for the Spring Play will be held on Monday, March 4 and Tuesday, March 5 after school.  Students should sign up for an audition time on the theater door or outside Ms. Hestwood’s office anytime before the audition.  Please have the audition form and conflict calendar filled out prior to coming to the audition.  Do not worry if this is your first experience with Shakespeare, we are looking for you to have a sense of character and great stage presence.  We’ll deal with Shakespeare’s language at the audition.

Audition Sides

Audition Application Form

February 5th LOFTpac Minutes

1. Showcase Tickets
–          Crew and Orchestra $10
–          Free for performers
–          Money due Feb. 15th

2. Thespian Festival
–          Sunday- One Act performance
–          All day on Monday
–          Workshops
–          Money due. Wednesday Feb. 6th

3. Fundraiser
–          Blitz Mar. 3rd
–          Coupon cards
–          Local
–          Sign-up by Feb. 8th

4. MCAC Gala
–          Friday Feb. 22nd
–          $25
–          Tour
–          Show
–          Go to Merrill community center for food
–          More info here:

5. London Meetings
–          Feb. 6th
–          Apr. 8th
–          May 31st

6. Spring Play auditions
–          Mar. 4th – 8th
–          Week before spring break
–          Finals week
–          They will be sign-up auditions
–          If you want, read the play and watch the movie

7. Chanhassen
–          Thursday night Feb. 7th
–          Walk on to bye bye birdy
–          Matt and Pari

8. Senior Pictures
–          Send to
–          We want your pictures!
–          A.s.a.p.

9. Book of Mormon workshop
–          T.B.D
–          Look in the future for more info

10. Spotlight dance
–          April 5th
–          4-7 p.m.
–          Place: T.B.D.

11. 30 and below
–          Age 16-30
–          Get rush tickets the day of by just simply calling in
–          Receive emails with specials

12. Aida!
–          Next year’s musical
–          See Minnetonka perform it in the Spring
–          Colorblind casting

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