There seems to be some confusion about who is on what crew, so I thought I’d take a minute to clear things up.

The costume, publicity and set construction crews are not assigned. If you want to help out, and you’ve completed your registration, all you have to do is show up. You don’t even need to know how to sew or paint.

The performance crews, those that are there during the performances, will be assigned in a couple weeks. Placement in these crews is based on your interest, which you expressed in your tech application, your experience and most important of all, your participation. Showing up to all the crew meetings for the crew you want is the best way to get assigned to it. You can attend meetings for as many crews as you want, so don’t feel like your limited to one

Performance crews are: Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Props Master/Mistress, Running Crew, Video Crew, Sound Crew, Lighting Crew and Make-Up Crew

Crew meetings are posted on the “Tech Calendar” which is located under the “LoftPAC” drop down menu. Be sure to check it for the most up to date information on crew meetings.

Technical Director

April 1st, 2013

Hello everyone! Happy April Fools Day!

1. Aida

  • We are looking forward to see Minnetonka’s production of Aida on May 10nth
  • Keep checking the website and the facebook page for more information coming up in the future!

2. Officers

  • Are you interested in  bein a leader in LOFTpac next year?
  • Send Mrs. Hestwood an email with what positions you are interested in and why you think you should be an officer
  • positions: President, Vice President, Clerk/Secretary, historian, and Special Events
  • Your email should be sent to Mrs. Hestwood by the end of April!

3. Thespian

  • Make sure you get in and fill out your Thespian points this week if you think you have enough points to be a member
  • If you are not currently a member, but are being intitiated this year, make sure you bring Mrs, Hestwood 20 dollars by Wednesday!
  • Possible points include seeing shows, being in shows, set contruction/costuming, taking theatre classes, going to workshops

4. Banquet

  • May 21st
  • Mark this in your calendars so you can attend!

5. Spotlight Rehearsals

  • Those of you who are performing in the Spotlight Showcase should mark these dates in as rehearsals
  • May 7th, 11th, 24th, 31st

6. Senior Pictures

  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get your senior pictures in to Chuy!
  • Send them to him at
  • If you are a senior, you are really going to want to have a nice senior photo in the banquet!
  • I believe in you all 🙂

7. Summer Workshops

  • The first week of August, there will be workshops in the morning for middle schoolers and afternoon for high schoolers
  • If you are interested in being a “counselor” for the middle schoolers, talk to Mrs. Hestwood
  • Also, there will be more specialized classes on Wednesday nights during the summer to prepare for Aida
  • More info on specifics coming in the future, so keep chekcing the website

Thank you all for coming! If you couldn’t make it, thanks for chekcing out what you missed here at If you are on Twitter, follow @TheLoftStage !! Remember to keep cheking your email for the monthly newsletter! It’s filled will lots of great information! See you next month!


Broadway Confidential: Flashdance, Monday April 1, 5:30-7:00pm at the New Century Theatre
Broadway Confidential featuring speaker B-Boy J-Sun (Jason Noer), local choreographer and teaching artist of hip hop styles will lead an engaging discussion on break dancing culture and how the movie Flashdance launched break dancing into the public’s eye. For more information and to RSVP visit: HENNEPIN THEATRE TRUST

Open Dance Event: Friday April 5, 4:00pm-6:00pm at the New Century Theatre and Cowles Center for Dance
Join Hennepin Theatre Trust and the Cowles Center for Dance as we celebrate Flashdance arriving in Minneapolis! Open dance classes available in tap, African dance, break-dancing and even choreography from the musical! Learn more and register here: HENNEPIN THEATRE TRUST

Triple Threat Workshop: Monday, April 22, 4:30-5:30 at the New Century Theatre
Get your burning audition questions answered! Join a panel of the Twin Cities best actors, directors, music directors and choreographers to give tips and tricks on how to have a killer audition. A portion of the workshop will focus specifically on the SpotLight Triple Threat process but is open to anyone interested in bettering their audition skills. Register here: HENNEPIN THEATRE TRUST

Broadway Workshop: Tap Class, Thursday April 25, 4:30-6:00pm at the New Century Theatre:
Join one of the stars of Mary Poppins, Con O’Shea-Creal (currently playing Bert on the national tour) in a basic to intermediate tap class. Learn more and register here: HENNEPIN THEATRE TRUST

More details below…

Midsummer Night’s Dream Urban Translator

Behold! Yo, check it.
What’s the news with thee? What up, dawg?
O cross! (See also: O spite! O hell!) Bummermuffins
O me! Fail
Nay No
No, no! Hellz no
Hail! Holla
Good morrow friends. Holla my honeys
Set your heart at rest Chillax
O monstrous!  O strange! No way.  That be whack
Mine ear is much enamored of thy note; So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape You da bomb diggety.
So sorrow’s heaviness doth heavier grow Sucks to suck
Why are you grown so rude? What’s your damage?
I jest to Oberon and make him smile I hella funny guy
And then the whole quire hold their hips and laugh, and waxen in their mirth and neeze and swear #LOL
A merrier hour was never wasted here That party was off the hook
This falls out better than I could devise Sweeeeeet!
Thou speakest aright Fo’ shizzle my nizzle
Wherefore was I to this keen mockery born? Why you hatin’ on me?
I am that merry wanderer of the night YOLO
A good persuasion True dat
Use me but as your spaniel, spurn me, strike me, neglect me, lose me; only give me leave, unworthy as I am, to follow you I’ll be your Rhianna if you be my Chris Brown
Get thee gone and follow me no more Bounce, creeper
Do not be so bitter with me Step off my grill
Never did mockers waste more idle breath Talk to the hand
You speak not as you think; it cannot be! Liar pants
Minimus (See also dwarf; bead; acorn) Vertically challenged
Full of vexation Emo
Juggler  (see also: canker-blossom) Tool
I understand not what you mean by this Girl, you cray
Tarry, rash wonton Hold up, speedy pants.
Cupid is a knavish lad (See also: The course of true love never did run smooth) Love stinks
Lord, what fools these mortals be! People be trippin’

Gear up for the LoftPAC Officer Elections

A message from LoftPAC President, Pari Cariaga:

Ever wanted to be me?  How about Chuy?  Well if you do, that’s a little creepy, but if you ever wanted our LoftPAC positions, now is your chance.  Talk to Mrs. Hestwood now to get on the ballot for next year’s LoftPAC officers.

What positions are available, you ask?  Great question!  Five officers make up the board, currently: president (moi), vice president (Matt), secretary (Lexi), special events planner (Katherine), and historian (Chuy).

What do these jobs entail?  Another fabulous question!

  • As PRESIDENT, my job is to work with Mrs. Hestwood to set the agenda for the monthly meetings and to oversee the other officers and their tasks.
  • The job of  VICE PRESIDENT is to help the president as well as working with Spotlight and the Thespian Society to find out how Loft Stage students can get involved with those organizations.
  • If you’re good at taking notes, then SECRETARY (or clerk if you are male) might be the job for you.  Duties include taking the minutes at the meetings and then posting them on the website.
  • Like to party?  Consider running for SPECIAL EVENTS PLANNER.  If you are elected to that position, you will create LoftPAC sponsored events, help organize community volunteer opportunities, and work with the president and vice president to plan the end of the year banquet.
  • The last but certainly not least job is HISTORIAN.  The historian takes pictures throughout the year at theater events and compiles all the images into an end-of-year slide show.

Think you could be good at any of these positions?  If you want to be an official leader next year, talk to Ms. Hestwood ASAP!  And as always, if you have questions feel free to contact any of the officers.

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