Winter Play

Thank you to everyone who made it out to the parent meeting tonight! Here is a link to the slide show with all of the information we went over in the meeting tonight.

Parent Meeting Presentation

Thank you to everyone that expressed interest in being part of the performance tech crew for the one-act. As there are a limited number of slots and we need to complete registration by Friday, please find the list of crew members below.

Stage Manager / Student Director Alli Colberg
Deck Captain Anna Clatanoff
Props Mistress Liv Meinders
Sound Crew Jared Doran
Lighting Crew April O’Meara
Stage Crew Kate Cristensen
Sidney Green
Alya Alderazi

Please remember that all performance crew members (minus Alli) must put in at least 20 hours in to set/props construction.

Thank you so much to all who auditioned this week! Simply put it was amazing to see all of the talent that the Loft Stage has! Please know that casting is one of the hardest parts of the process for me as a director. Especially since I can only have twelve folks in the cast. I encourage anyone who was not cast to join us on Friday for the tech meeting. If you are cast we start tomorrow at 3:30 in the black box!

Buddy Adam Garrity
Helen Maren Van Deest
Jack Jonas Hallstrom
Betsy Allison Benjamin
Johnny Ethan Willams
Agnes Megan Horan
Desert Storm Captain (Hank) Nolan Sherburne
Vietnam Marine Alex Fisher
Doughnut Girl Janie Mooreland
Specialist Fourth Class Delaney Carolyn Lanz
Vietnam Nurse Emma Lily
Westren Union Girl Elizabeth Avery

3:30pm Black Box
Elizabeth Avery
Maggie Barringer
Sydney Bramel
Jacqueline Chapek
Alex Fisher
Adam Garrity
Cassie Gleason
Jonas Hallstrom (leave 4:30)
Meghan Horan
Carolyn Lanz (arrive 4:15)
Emma Lilly
Anya Lu
Janie Mooreland
Nolan Sherburne
Maren VanDeest
Ethan Williams
Iris Youngdahl

No need to prepare anything in advance.

Before auditioning, please take a moment to fill out the online registration form HERE.

Students will be asked to perform a monologue at auditions. Actors do not have to be confined to the monologues chosen or even the script. If they have another monologue they would like to show us that is fine. Memorization is not required.

Audition monologues can be found HERE.

Students may peruse the entire play script HERE.

Please e-mail director Leah Jensen ( with any one act questions.

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