Winter Play

Below are the one-act performance tech crew. If you’d like to participate in the show but aren’t listed below, please join the production crew in set/props construction or costuming. There is no need to register or pay a fee to be part of the production crew. Dates and times for crew meetings are on the calendar.

Stage Manager Alli Colberg
Deck Captain Jared Doran
Asst. Deck Captain Emma Garrity
Lighting April O’Meara
Sound TBD
Props Anna Clatanoff
Stage Crew Liv Meinders
Sidney Green


It makes me so proud to work in a theatre program with such dedicated and talented students. Of  course with all of this passion it makes casting a difficult process. If you were not cast but are still interested in being involved with this production please consider joining tech. The tech information meeting is this Friday after school.

For those who are cast please meet in the theatre after school this Friday

Tilly Kat Grannis
Agnes Elizabeth Avery
Vera Olivia Voerster
Kaliope Anya Lu
Lilith Meghan Horan
Farrah the Faerie Iris Youngdahl
Evil Tina Valentina Arias Garcia
Evil Gabbi Baylee Stevenson
Chuck Alex Doran
Miles Alex Bretoi
Orcus Ethan Williams
Steve Nolan Sherburne

The tech crew informational meeting is Friday, November 30th at 3:15pm in the choir room.

If you are unable to attend, please email Jimmy ( to express your interest in participating on the crew for this production.

While all are invited to participate on the set construction crew, per the rules, we are limited in the number of people we can bring to competition. Therefore, an official crew list of those who will be traveling with the show to competition will be posted on Friday evening.

To find out more information about tech crew for the one-act:

She Kills Monsters Tech Crew Presentation

Please fill out the following tech crew interest form:

Tech Crew Interest Form

Hi All, here is the callback list for tomorrow. See you all tomorrow after school in the choir room!

Maggie Barringer
Anya Lu
Alex Doran
Valentina Arias Garcia
Kate Christensen
Sydney Baxter
Iris Youngdahl
Miracle Etuakwu
Meghan Horan
Olivia Voerster
Baylee Stevenson
Ava Cyr
Ethan Williams
Elizabeth Avery
Kat Grannis
Bella Massa
Grace Reck
Alex B.

The Loft Stage will hold auditions for our winter one act play, She Kills Monsters, next week!

Show Synopsis: After the sudden death of her younger sister Tilly, Agnes finds a notebook belonging to her dead sister that has a module written for the game Dungeons and Dragons. Agnes decides to team up with Tilly’s old party members and play through the game in the hopes of finding who her sister was.

Prior to auditions, students should fill out the following Google form: 

Audition sides (do not need to be memorized):

1 3 4 5 6 7 14