ERHS Theater

If you were unable to attend the parent meeting, please review the presentation below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of the shows staff.

Spring Play Parent Presentation
Spring Play Registration

Please review the presentation and fill out the tech interest form if you are interested in participating on the crew for Still Life With Iris. If you have any questions, please email Jimmy at

Tech Meeting Presentation

Tech Interest Form

Thank you to all of the amazing talent who auditioned. The show could have been cast twice with the incredible talent shown.

Cast, please meet after school today to meet and greet! Congratulations!

Iris Caroline Kieffer
Dad/Mr. Matternot Dylan Degler
Mom/Ms. Overlook Erin Foy
Hazel Cali Yee
Elmer Nolan Sherburne
Flower Painter Lydia Nelson
Memory Mender Brendan Finn
Leaf Monitor Kaylee Cates
Rainmaker Ruth Erikstrup
Bolt Bender Tony May
Thunder Bottler 1 McCrossen Schiller
Thunder Bottler 2 Ethan Williams
Greta Good Brenna Masgai
Grotto Good Carl Erikstrup
Mr. Otherguy Mark May
Ms. Othergal Christina Ippoliti
Mr. Himtoo/Tree Jonas Hallstrom
Annabel Lee Samantha Wynn
Mozart Quintin Walker
Capt. Also Kat Grannis
Third String/Tree Tegan Jones
Ray Abby Feuer


Thank you to everyone who auditioned for Still Life With Iris. We had more than twice the number of students that can be cast in this show. Please continue to come out for future productions and attend LoftPAC meetings on the first Monday of each month afterschool in the choir room. Our tech meeting for Iris will be next Monday, March 21st at 3:15pm in the choir room!

Callbacks will be on Thursday, March 16th. Please note the times below.


Thespian Induction Fee~ If you received a card notifying you that you are to be inducted into the International Thespian Society, the deadline to pay the induction fee is this Thursday, March 10th. Please get your money in ASAP.

Triple Threat~The window to submit Triple Threat Auditions for Spotlight closes 4/25. All the information for how to submit an audition and the requirements are on the Spotlight Website.

London 2017~ There will be another meeting for those planning to attend London in 2017. The date and time is to be decided. Stay tuned!

Ivey Awards Tech Workshops~All throughout the month of March, the Ivey Awards are hosting tech workshops for high school students. All of the workshop opportunities can be found on the Ivey Awards website. If you are interested in attending one, please see Ms.Hestwood.

“Theatre Thursdays”~March is “Theatre in the Schools” month and to celebrate we are going to wear our Loft/Theatre gear every Thursday during the month of March. Show your love for theatre!

Laura Osnes and Friends Workshop~ On March 15th, Spotlight will be holding a workshop for high school students with their spokesperson, Laura Osnes. If you are interested in participating, see Brendan Finn or Ms.Hestwood.

Thespians/Spotlight Meeting~On March 16th, we will be holding a parent/student meeting for anybody who would like to learn more about MN Thespians and Spotlight. Freshmen parents and students are highly encouraged to attend. In addition, if you are interested in attending the International Thespian Festival in June, please try to attend this meeting.

Spotlight Tickets~ Tickets for the Spotlight Showcase on June 13th go on sale on March 18th. This will be a very quick turnaround due to the fact that we would like to get seats all together. More information will come very soon in terms of pricing. Please be ready to order!

Spotlight Orchestra~On March 18th, the auditions for the Spotlight Orchestra will close. If you are still interested, see Isabella Wurm.

Spring Play Tech Meeting~If you are interested in doing tech for the spring play, please attend the tech meeting on March 21st.

Spring Play Meeting~ There will be an informational meeting for all of the students and their parents participating in the spring play. It is very important that students attend with their parents, or if their parent cannot be there, the student should attend. This will be a very important meeting, so please put it in your calendars!

Next Year’s LoftPAC Officers~ Are you interested in being a LoftPAC officer for next year? If so, please fill out the google form that was sent out via text and Facebook. The deadline to turn in the form is March 14th.

Spotlight Showcase~ East Ridge will be performing at the Spotlight Showcase on June 13th!

Spotlight Doodle~ If you were in the cast of Fiddler on the Roof, please fill out the Doodle Form that was sent out via text and Facebook ASAP!!! We need to get a headcount of who is planning to participate.

Theatre Banquet~ We will be having our annual LoftPAC Theatre Banquet on May 25th! Mark your calendars!

Pictures~ We need your pictures for the end of the year slideshow. If you took any pictures from either LoftPAC events, shows, or general Loftie shenanigans, send them to

Relay For Life~ We are having a Loftie Relay for Life team this year in honor of former Loftie, Bridget Olsen. If you are interested in participating, sign up on the website under “Bridget’s Lofties”. If you have any questions, talk to Isabella Wurm.

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