ERHS Theater

Here’s the link to the slide show: SEPTEMBER LoftPAC MEETING

  • Make sure to buy your Wendy and Peter Pan DVDs on the loft store! Hopefully, they’ll be done before the end of the musical (no guarantee)
  • Join the Remind!
    • LoftPAC – Text @loftpac to 81010
    • Fall Musical – Text @drowsy to 81010
  • Musical Parent meeting for all students involved in the musical (actors or tech) on Monday, September 9th at 7 pm in room 2045
  • If you’re involved in any way in the musical, make sure to register on FeePay
    • Due by September 20th
  • Loftie gathering at Jared (and Alex) Doran’s house on Friday, September 13th at 7 pm.
    • Address – 9279 Summerlin Ct.
    • It will be in the backyard and there will probably be lots of bugs so make sure to wear bug spray
  • Buy your Drowsy Chaperone T-Shirt on the loft stage store!!
    • We will do the calculations for you so all you have to do is just record what you did
  • England Trip – 2021
    • Parent Meeting on September 17th at 6 pm (Room 1035, lower green)
  • We will be going to see these shows throughout the year:
    • The Band’s Visit – December 14th
      Once on This Island – February 5th (during school)
      Anastasia – April 5th
  • Fall Service Project – Singing in a nursing home (more details to come)
  • Fill out this google form so that we can know what areas of theatre you’re interested in learning more about
  • We’re going to Valley Scare this year on October 12th! If you want to go reach out to Meghan Horan ((309)-532-3982). Tickets will only be $30 if you buy them through Meghan!
  • Loftie Booing is going to happen again this year!! Text Meghan Horan your first and last name along with any food allergies you have and she’ll get you all signed up!
    • Must express interest by September 30th to be involved.
    • Director: Marcie

For those that weren’t able to make the tech crew kick-off meeting, please find the presentation below. If you have questions after reviewing the presentation, please contact the technical director, Jimmy at

Tech Crew Presentation

Please complete the following tech interest form so that we know what you are interested in doing once we start assigning crew roles. Please note that only performance crew positions are assigned and production crews are open to anyone who has registered and would like to join.

Tech Crew Interest Form

Remember: The character you reveal when you see the cast list is far more important than the character you play in a production. Choose creation over destruction, always. ❤

Thank you to all of the amazing talent who auditioned! For those of you who did not make the cast, do not feel discouraged. Please don’t stop auditioning because you all have wonderful gifts to share with the East Ridge theatre program! If you are still interested in being involved in other areas of the production, please attend the tech meeting Thursday, September 5th at 3:15pm in the choir room.

Cast members! There will be a read through this Thursday at 3:30pm in the black box theatre. Make sure to bring a notebook and pencil. (more…)

Thank you to all of the amazing talent who auditioned for The Drowsy Chaperone and please remember to check the final cast list, as we will be casting people who were not called back. Callbacks are tomorrow, Wednesday, August 28th at 3:30pm in the theater. The first rehearsal will be this Thursday at 3:30pm in the black box. If you are interested in helping the production in another way, please attend the tech meeting on Thursday, September 5th at 3:15 pm in the choir room.

Adam Garrity
Alexa Sandberg
Alex Doran
Allison Benjamin
Ava Hattenberger
Baylee Stevenson
Benjamin Sayers
Cam Stevens
Carter Bannwarth
Connor Hestwood
Derek Dols
Elizabeth Avery
Erik Haering
Erik Rasmussen
Iris Youngdahl
Isabella Massa
Lauren Nelson
Luke Pfluger
Meghan Horan
Natalie Engh
Olivia Voerster
Sammy Trevis
Sydney Bramel
Victoria Pommalath
Make sure to attend our theatre workshop THIS Friday from 12:30-6:30! This is only open for current lofties or incoming ERHS freshman. Please contact Katie Carlson ( with any questions regarding acting or Jared Doran ( with any tech questions. Hope to see you all there!!
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