ERHS Theater

Join LoftPAC for our first field trip to see a Woodbury resident in the title role of this award-winning show. “Billy Elliot” is about a boy whose parents want him to do wrestling, but he wants to pursue his passion for ballet. This heart-warming story has wonderful songs and even more enchanting dancing. Return the attached form with your ticket payment to Mrs. Hestwood by Monday, September 17.

Billy Elliot Form

When: Friday, September 14th at 3:30pm
Where: Choir Room

The show wouldn’t go on without the talented technicians that work behind the scenes. Come learn how you can be an integral part of the production in many different ways. From sound and lights to costumes and make-up, there are plenty of places for you to participate. See the documents below for more information on the different crews.

Technical Application Form
Conflict Calendar
Technical Crew Information Sheet

Join the LoftPAC for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to London, England in June of 2013.  We will have a meeting for interested travelers and their parents on September 25th at 6:30pm in the choir room at East Ridge.  Please don’t miss this opportunity see incredible theater, sites and travel the world. Go to and enter Tour # 1125692 for more information.


If you missed the meeting, please read the minutes! Remember that LoftPAC meets the first Monday of every month.

LoftPAC Minutes – September 10 2012

All students participating in the fall musical, White Christmas, can now register online. Payment can be made via credit card or through paypal. Registration must be complete by September 18th or before a student is eligible to participate. Registration Form

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