ERHS Theater

Casting a show is never easy. If you don’t see your name below, please do not be discouraged. We want to see you all auditioning for future shows at East Ridge. If you still want to be involved with the show you are welcome to join tech crew. Also, please return your scripts to Ms. Carlson next week.

Cast, go thru your script and highlight all your lines that are part of the real play Murder at Haversham Manor. We will begin staging just that part of the bigger play first. Those playing stage crew should also highlight those sections as well as you’ve also been rehearsing the play within the play. Can’t wait to get started!!

Marcie Panian
Artistic Director

Sandra Sydney Segedi
Annie Naomi Tesfaye
Chris Michael Edgerton
Robert Titus Scribner
Dennis Bella Jones
Trevor Riley Hestwood
Max Luca Walz
Jonathan Tade Popoola
Stage Crew Maddie Gerber
Nathan Klimpel
Reece Loveridge
Grace Smith
Leslie Switala

For those that weren’t able to make the tech crew kick-off meeting, please find the presentation below. If you have questions after reviewing the presentation, please contact the technical director, Jimmy at

Tech Crew Presentation

Please complete the following tech interest form so that we know what you are interested in doing. Performance crew positions will be announced by Friday, March 31st. Participation on a production crew does not require registration and is open to anyone who is interested.

Tech Crew Interest Form

With the winter weather taking place over the next couple days, we have pushed back the 2nd day of auditions and callbacks to Friday, February 24th.

The 2nd day of initial auditions will take place from 3:30-5pm. If you haven’t already registered to audition and would still like to, it isn’t too late. Those that audition on the 2nd day will learn if they received a callback at the end of the audition period.

Callbacks will take place starting at 5pm. The following people from the 1st day of auditions have been called back:

Liam Bennicoff
Sophia Bramel
Michael Edgerton
Maddie Gerber
Riley Hestwood
Bella Jones
Nathan Klimpel
Reece Loveridge
Syndey Segedi
Grace Smith
Amelia Swarts
Leslie Switala
Naomi Tesfaye
Luca Walz

“Break a leg!” takes on a whole new meaning for a woefully misguided troupe of players at the Cornley University Society’s opening night performance of The Murder at Haversham Manor. An unconscious leading lady, a corpse who can’t play dead, a ruffled detective, and a word-mangling butler (among others) must battle against technical gaffes, forgotten lines, and sabotaging scenery in a quest to arrive all in one piece at the final curtain call. Part Monty Python, part Sherlock Holmes, all mayhem, this 1920s whodunit is disastrously delightful.

The Murder at Haversham Manor is as melodrama. Please show me how serious the character is taking the situation. I hate to say “over the top” but somewhere near there. I’d rather see you too big than too small. Here are some character descriptions that may help you.

Chris/Carter: You are director of the play so you want all the blocking perfect.

Robert/Thomas: You are the actor who always wants to do well. A perfectionist in all things . Perfect diction, facial expressions etc.

Dennis/Perkins: You have trouble memorizing lines and you are farsighted. You get mad at yourself.

Max/Cecil: This is your first ever lead. Always been an extra. VEry exciting and also you are very aware that there is an audience reacting to your performance

Sandra/Florence: You are a diva. The always leading lady of this troupe.

Trevor: You have been in the tech booth forever. Bored with it.

Annie: You hate stage managing. NO one respects you or listens to you.

Audition Sides

Play That Goes Wrong Audition Form
Please fill out this form if you are interested in auditioning for the spring play, The Play That Goes Wrong.

* The audition form will not work using your school account. Please use this form only if you DO NOT have an alternative Google Account: Alternate Play That Goes Wrong Audition Form

The first rehearsal of the cast will take place on Friday, February 21st from 3:45-6:45pm in the choir room.

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