Fall Musical

Thank you to all for auditioning. We were blown away by the amount of new talent and are already excited about next year. If your name is not on the list, please continue to audition and stay involved in East Ridge Theater. (more…)

Attached you will find all of your, or your students, scenes of participation. Please review this carefully and contact Miss Magee with any questions.


Whos Who Sheet

When: Friday, September 14th at 3:30pm
Where: Choir Room

The show wouldn’t go on without the talented technicians that work behind the scenes. Come learn how you can be an integral part of the production in many different ways. From sound and lights to costumes and make-up, there are plenty of places for you to participate. See the documents below for more information on the different crews.

Technical Application Form
Conflict Calendar
Technical Crew Information Sheet

All students participating in the fall musical, White Christmas, can now register online. Payment can be made via credit card or through paypal. Registration must be complete by September 18th or before a student is eligible to participate. Registration Form

Monday, September 10th at 3:10pm- Join us for a short informational meeting in the choir room.

Tuesday and Wednesday, September 11-12 at 3:30pm.  Schedule an audition time for dance as well as a vocal/acting audition time within this two day window.

Dance Auditions: Students should come with comfortable shoes or dance shoes (if you have them) for the dance auditions.  Some students will be invited back on Wednesday night for a dance/tap callback.

Vocal/Acting Audition: Students may sing a song from the show that they will learn during the audition process or, if they choose, they may prepare thirty-two bars of a song of their choosing.  Students do not need to have a prepared piece in order to audition.  Some students may be invited back for a principle callback on Thursday, September 13th at 3:30pm. Initial audition sides are attached.

For more information see contact Ms. Hestwood at ahestwood@theloftstage.com

Audition Application Form
Technical Application Form
Technical Crew Information Sheet
Conflict Calendar
White Christmas Audition – Sides
White Christmas Audition – Voice
White Christmas Audition Piano Only
White Christmas Audition Male Voice and Piano
White Christmas Audition Female Voice and Piano

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