
You’re invited to the 2020 District One Act Play Festival for the three high schools in the South Washington County School District at Woodbury High School. East Ridge, Park, and Woodbury will each perform their one act plays that they are taking to the Minnesota State High School League one act competition!  Come out and...
Auditions for our one act play will be held the first week in December in the black box theatre. Students should prepare a brief dramatic monologue for Monday’s audition. Tuesday’s callbacks will include sides from the actual show. The original adaptation can be found attached. Prior to auditioning, all actors are expected to fill out...
Before any form of media is consumed, many parents ask themselves an important question: “is this movie/show/play child appropriate?” While an inarguably important question, the subjectivity of the response is definitely debatable. Even with seemingly-objective measures like PG or PG-13 film ratings, there is still room for disagreement. For example, The Lego Movie is rated...
We will audition for our fall musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, the last week in August. If for some reason a student is unable to attend auditions due to summer conflicts, please contact director Kajsa Jones at ASAP so we can arrange an alternative audition time. Prior to auditioning, actors and actresses must complete the following online form:
Our spring play, Wendy & Peter Pan, pays homage to the original J.M. Barrie Peter Pan but brings some of the characters and content into the 21st century. Many of the beloved characters like Peter, Wendy, Tinkerbell, and more are still there but with a modern twist. Beyond battling the ruthless Captain Hook, these characters...
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The Loft Circle ($2000+)
The Gilboe Family
Heart and Mind Fund of Diana Hestwood and Earl Orf
The Ippoliti Family
The Jones Family
The John and Darla Samuelson Family
The Parenteau Stevens Family

Angels ($1000-$1999)
The Benjamin Famliy
The Feuer Family
The Haering Family
The Pfluger Family
The Sorensen Family
The Spicuzza Family
Jimmy Stocco, III
The Winston Family
The Youngdahl Family

Benefactors ($500-$999)
The Avent Family
The Bannwarth Family
The Eckberg Family
Chance and Michele Garrity
Greg and Lori Kostick
The Roeser Family
The Stevenson Family
The Sullivan Family

Donors ($250-$499)
The Bartel Family
The Bramel Family
Brian and Kris Christensen
The Dols/Montermini Family
The Emery Family
The Engert Family
The Grannis Family
The Reimann Family
The Ryerse Family
The Sayers Family
The Sharrer Family
The Sherburne Family
The Weber Family

Advocates ($100-$249)
Alex Berger
The Chang Family
The Deppa Family
Jim and Cindy Dunlap
The Erikstrup Family
The Finn Family
Richard and Melanie Foy
The Fritz Family
Craig and Monica Hamer
Amanda Hestwood
The Horan Family
Lynda James-Gilboe
The Krish Family
The LaFontaine-Larson Family
Beth Martin
Sandra Masgai
(in Memory of Grandpa Gene)
The May Family
The McCoy Family
The Miller Family
The NewKirk Family
(in Memory of Richard W. Jones)
Ann and Greg O’Meara
The Ouradnik Family
The Pfeifer Family
The Sandberg Family
Katherine Spicuzza
Jody Stibitz
The Trevis Family
Twin Cities Sports Collectors Club
The VanDeest Family
The Walker Family
(in Memory of Flo Walker)
The Williams Family

Friends ($25-$99)
Laurie Asunma
The Doran Family
The Dulka Family
Juliana Elchert
Gerald and Carol Jevning
(in Memory of Richard W. Jones)
The Melody Lee Family
Louise Ouradnik
Brigitte Parenteau
Debby Reisinger
Vickie and Mike Roeser
The Sayers Family
The Seif Family
Melissa Steinke
Jody Stibitz
Cindy Thompson and Family
Phillip Victor
Kay Welte