Thank you to all of the amazing talent who auditioned for Wendy and Peter Pan and please remember to check the final cast list, as we will be casting people who were not called back. The first rehearsal will be this Thursday at 3:30pm in the black box. If you are interested in helping the production in another way, please attend the tech meeting on Friday, March 1st at 4:00pm in the choir room.

Abby Feuer
Adam Garrity
Alexa Sandberg
Alex Bretoi
Alex Doran
Allison Benjamin
Baylee Stevenson
Benjamin Sayers
Cam Stevens
Elizabeth Avery
Erik Haering
Erik Rasmussen
Ethan Williams
Gabby Franus
Grace Loetz
Iris youngdahl
Jack Johnson
Janie Mooreland
Jonas Hallstrom
Kat Grannis
Lauren Nelson
Makenna Sandberg
Maggie Barringer
Maren Vandeest
McCrossen Schiller
Meghan Horan
Meghan Roeser
Olivia Voerster
Reed Williams
Sammy Trevis
Victoria Pommalath

Callbacks are WEDNESDAY after school in the black box theatre. Please wear comfortable clothes and be ready to act your faces off! Good luck to everyone! See Mrs. Carlson in the theatre office if you have any further questions.

Winter Service Project Recap
-baked goods / cards for Woodbury Public Safety and ERHS custodial staff

Play in a Day 2.0
-Feb 14-15
-Harvard Speech Tournament weekend
-Leah Jensen is advisor
-3 or 4 shows based on interest < fill out
-Thursday auditions in choir room @5pm
-Friday directors meet at 7am and actors go from 8am-9pm
-Location is Loft Stage
-Mrs. Carlson will email you if you are selected as playwright or director
-Meghan Horan will hosts playwrights overnight!

Thespian Festival
-7 (maybe 6) going
-more info (and NIES info) soon
-we will arrange rides
-super fun!!!

Thespian Points / Lettering
-points updated on google spreadsheet (shared with apps account) and Nolan is doing shop hours now:)

Wendy and Peter Pan
-shows are May 2-5 (6 total, 5 open to public)
-fill out google form online!
-dress ready to move
-no preparation needed (do not need accents unless you are COMFORTABLE with one)…cold read scenes
-script online! Password is happythought
-rough cast size of 25 with character breakdown online
-see Mrs. Carlson with any questions!

Dialect Workshop
-second week in March
-british and cockney
-Keely Wolter, MA Voice Studies (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama) and BA Theatre (Viterbo University)
-Credentials: Guthrie BFA, Jungle Theater, Theater Latte Da, Park Square, Penumbra, History Theatre, Children’s Theatre Company, Old Log, Artistry, Minnetonka High School, and more!

NYC Meeting
-Feb 13 @6pm in choir room
-bring parent / guardian!

Spring Dates at a Glance
-Les Mis Viewing Party (TBD, April 5th?)
-Spring Play (May 2nd-5th)
-Banquet (Tues., May 7 in Loft)
-Officer applications due (early April)
-Officer voting (end of April)
The Play that Goes Wrong (May 10th @ 8PM) (during NIETOC)
Dear Evan Hansen (June 5th @ 7:30 PM)
-Relay for Life (June 7th, 6 PM-6 AM @ the Nest)
-Spotlight Showcase (June 10th)
-NYC Trip (June 11-15th)

Auditions for this year’s spring play, Wendy & Peter Pan, are Monday and Tuesday, February 25-26th right after school in the black box theatre. Students only need come to one day of auditions. Callbacks will be posted online Tuesday night (2/26) and will take place Wednesday, February 27th right after school. There is no need to prepare anything for the audition; instead, students will be performing cold reads from the actual show. There will be a movement portion to the audition, so please dress comfortably and be prepared to move. While English accents will be used for the show, they are not required for the audition.

All those auditioning must fill out the following Google form:

As always, students are encouraged to read/research the play to get a better idea of the plot, themes, and characters.

A full list of characters can be found HERE.

Online script access can be found HERE.

See Mrs. Carlson in the theatre office or email ( with any questions.

Interested in participating in technical crew? Fill out the tech interest form and join us Friday, March 1st after school in the choir room for our first tech crew meeting. Those unable to the make the meeting should email our technical director, Jimmy Stocco, at

Please join us this Friday at 7:00PM at Woodbury High School for the District 833 One Act Festival. The cost is $5 for general admission to see all three productions.

East Ridge’s one act play is She Kills Monsters young adventures edition, a play by Qui Nguyen. Our winter one act play is a contemporary work set in the walls of an average high school (1995 – Athens, Ohio and the imaginary land of New Landia); what’s not so average, is the journey these students embark. After the untimely death of her younger sister Tilly, Agnes has to face, both literally and figuratively, the ghosts of her past through the old avatars of her sister’s Dungeons and Dragons game. It’s only through these battles that Agnes is able to fully gain closure and learn who her sister really was.

One Act Festival and Competition:
-Friday, January 18 at WHS for $5 (general admission)
-Competition is open to public (January 22 at Eagan HS)
-Do not be late and behave / represent our school well:)

One Act Set Construction and Costume:
-Starts Saturday, January 5th (9am-3pm) and lasts all week

Winter Service Project:
-Text Elizabeth (651-508-2361) to be involved
-Small scale (possibly baking cookies for officers, writing notes for cars, etc!)

New York Trip:
-Registration due January 18
-$250 deposit due at registration
-Slideshow with info from meeting (itinerary, pricing, etc) on the Loft Stage website

Spring Play Auditions:
-February 25-26 (Mon-Tues)
-February 27 (Wed) is callbacks
-Includes 22 characters plus ensemble, flying, English accents, movement, and more!
-No rehearsals over spring break
-Shows are May 2-5 with middle school matinee (6 SHOWS TOTAL WOOHOO)
-Audition materials coming soon 🙂

Thespian Points:
-Google spreadsheet is being updated (check Mon)
-Possible point areas include but aren’t limited to: Loft stage productions (including play in a day), community theater production, shop hours, speech, show viewings, theater workshops and festivals)
-1 point = 10 hours

Course Registration:
-Creative Acting and Dramatics AND Advanced Acting and Directing (both super fun)
-Talk to Mrs. Carlson for info
-They do not run if not enough people sign up 🙁
-Do not have to take one class to take the other

MCAC Season Update:
-Lots going on, such as spring break camp, boot camp, classes, summer shows, musical theater intensive, and more!

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