We will audition for our fall musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, the last week in August. If for some reason a student is unable to attend auditions due to summer conflicts, please contact director Kajsa Jones at kjones@theloftstage.org ASAP so we can arrange an alternative audition time.

Prior to auditioning, actors and actresses must complete the following online form: https://forms.gle/MwyREzQPB9zCSFk4A

Dance Audition Video: https://youtu.be/MPfoNU81efU

Auditions will take place Monday, August 26th and Tuesday, August 26th at 3:30pm in the Loft Stage. Students need only come to one of these two audition days – we encourage returning Lofties to audition on Monday if at all possible. For the audition, students may prepare a song in the vocal styling of the show or learn a song from Drowsy at auditions. Sheet music for that selection is attached for perusal. Auditions will include an acting, singing, and dancing portion. Pease wear comfortable clothing and footwear. Tap shoes are not required but are highly encouraged.

Callbacks will be Wednesday, August 29th at 3:30pm in the choir room (rm. 1055). As students prepare for and consider the many dynamic roles this production has to offer, please do not feel limited by the age and/or gender of characters. The creative team is open to actor interpretations and risk-taking.

Any additional questions regarding auditions can be sent to director Kajsa Jones (kjones@theloftstage.org) or assistant director Katie Carlson (kcarlson@theloftstage.org).



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Videos of the dance combinations can be found here: https://youtu.be/MPfoNU81efU

Wendy and Peter Pan:

  • May 2-5
  • advertise and buy tickets!
  • T-shirts on loft store for $15-$17

Set Construction:

  • sign up for star drop on sign up genius
  • everyone needs at least 10 hours!


  • bit.ly/VoteLoftPAC
  • vote for 3 new officers….voting ends April 10!

Les Mis Viewing Party:

  • Friday, April 12 @7pm in Loft Stage

Scholars Breakfast:

  • April 20 @9am for those interested in scholars for next year!


  • RH Stafford Library Day
  • April 20 @2:30pm
  • making fairy houses and cute crafts with kids!

The Play That Goes Wrong:

  • May 10
  • not enough people for a bus…need other transportation
  • https://youtu.be/kPdHcYGBKh4

Thespian Points:

  • SENIORS AND NEW THESPIANS ($30 fee) must submit points by Monday, April 8
  • seniors can get a tassel for $15 and get to keep it!

DEH Tickets:

  • on sale Saturday, April 6 @5pm ish for $60 (includes bussing and show)
  • 45 tickets total
  • permission slips will be passed out at a LoftPAC meeting
  • Lofties get priority!!!

Little Shop Ticket Exchange:

  • PHS is doing Little Shop for their spring musical…more details to come!

End of Year Banquet:

  • May 7 for $12 (meal included)
  • slideshows and lots of fun!!
  • buy tickets on Loft Stage website (price will go up!)

Relay for Life:

  • meeting Monday, April 8 during Raptor Time in the theater office for info (text 651-508-2361 to RSVP)
  • June 7-8 from 6pm-6am
  • need singers to perform at Luminaria Ceremony!:)
Our spring play, Wendy & Peter Pan, pays homage to the original J.M. Barrie Peter Pan but brings some of the characters and content into the 21st century. Many of the beloved characters like Peter, Wendy, Tinkerbell, and more are still there but with a modern twist. Beyond battling the ruthless Captain Hook, these characters grapple with what it truly means to be lost and how resiliency and courage can transcend both death and time. On the production side of things, we’re thrilled to announce that we’re bringing in a professional fly company and, for the first time ever, we will have students flying on stage!

Tickets are currently available for purchase using the link above!

Thespian Festival Recap:

  • Congrats to Carter and Allison for superiors!
  • If interested in becoming a State Thespian Officer, talk to Maggie

Play-in-a-Day Recap:  


Spring Play Tech:

  • 10 hours minimum required when in the show
  • If you weren’t at tech meeting today and want to participate, email Jimmy jstocco@theloftstage.org

Tickets for The Play That Goes Wrong:

  • Friday, May 10th @ 8pm Orpheum
  • 30 seats available….$48 per ticket (busing and show)
  • Sold on Loft Store
  • Permission slip needed

Relay For Life Committee:

  • Text Elizabeth to join (651-508-2361)
  • Help plan, bring materials, etc!

Dialect Workshop:

  • DATE CHANGED to Wednesday, March 6 from 3:30-5:30 in Black Box
  • 1 hour Standard British and 1 hour Cockney (should come to both:))

Actors Needed:

  • Friday, April 26 from 9:39-11:31am we are collaborating with Woodbury Police Department to stage a mock crash (11th and 12th graders interact/participate)
  • Prep begins at 8am April 26
  • Roles needed: student driver, student fatal, mother of fatal, father of fatal, student critical, student minor injury
  • Best if mother and father characters of student fatal are actual parents, but if they are uncomfortable with that, other adults will work!
  • Talk to Mrs. Carlson if interested!

Officer Applications:

  • Meghan H and Elizabeth are co-chairs! Positions available: Historian, Community Outreach, Community Building
  • Application: https://goo.gl/forms/0FVByO1sc81gXbsm1
  • Due by April 1…Voting begins April 5…Voting ends April 10

Remember: The character you reveal when you see the cast list is far more important than the character you play in a production. Choose creation over destruction, always. ❤

Thank you to all of the amazing talent who auditioned! For those of you who did not make the cast, do not feel discouraged. There were so many talented students and so few roles to fill. Please don’t stop auditioning because you all have wonderful gifts to share with the East Ridge theatre program! If you are still interested in being involved in other areas of the production, please attend the tech meeting Friday at 4:00PM in the choir room.

Cast members! There will be a read through Thursday after school at 3:30PM in the black box theatre. Make sure to bring a notebook and pencil. (more…)

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