Parents—why not assume a crucial role in the ERHS theatre family while squeezing in precious minutes bonding with your super-busy-practically-adult-holy-smokes-where-did-the-time-go high school students? We have a huge need for production volunteers when set construction resumes September 17th. It’s so easy. This is all you gotta do: Just Show Up. How awesome is that? NO SPECIAL SKILLS NEEDED. No more special, at any rate, than reminding the students to wear safety glasses and watching over them as they sew, pound, drill, staple, cut, glue, paint, tote, and learn useful, real-life skills. If you’d like to dip a paintbrush or swing a hammer, fantastic, but it’s not required. The fabulous George Juaire, set designer and power-tool whisperer, needs your help weekday evenings (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.) and Saturdays (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.). If you’re a novice, he’ll explain exactly what to do. And he’s super nice—no worries. He’s talented, too—you might learn something. Plus George says cool stuff like, “Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint,” so you know your student will learn a life lesson or two. You don’t have to sign up or commit to a certain amount of time—any time you can spare would be great. Just Show Up. High school goes by in a flash. What better way to support your students and spend quality time with them before they leave the nest?

Booster  noun \ˈbü-stər\

Definition:  One that boosts as:

a) an auxiliary device for increasing force, power, pressure, or effectiveness

b) an enthusiastic supporter

Monday, September 10th at 3:10pm- Join us for a short informational meeting in the choir room.

Tuesday and Wednesday, September 11-12 at 3:30pm.  Schedule an audition time for dance as well as a vocal/acting audition time within this two day window.

Dance Auditions: Students should come with comfortable shoes or dance shoes (if you have them) for the dance auditions.  Some students will be invited back on Wednesday night for a dance/tap callback.

Vocal/Acting Audition: Students may sing a song from the show that they will learn during the audition process or, if they choose, they may prepare thirty-two bars of a song of their choosing.  Students do not need to have a prepared piece in order to audition.  Some students may be invited back for a principle callback on Thursday, September 13th at 3:30pm. Initial audition sides are attached.

For more information see contact Ms. Hestwood at

Audition Application Form
Technical Application Form
Technical Crew Information Sheet
Conflict Calendar
White Christmas Audition – Sides
White Christmas Audition – Voice
White Christmas Audition Piano Only
White Christmas Audition Male Voice and Piano
White Christmas Audition Female Voice and Piano

Dear Students,

You are invited to gather on August 13th – 17th for a series of workshops designed to expand learning the art of theatre. Although they will touch upon the fall musical, Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, these workshops are neither fall musical specific, nor are they required for participation in the musical. Each workshop will be an opportunity to learn about an area of interest, to improve your skills and to get excited about the year to come at The Loft Stage.

June 11-15 from 10:00am – 12:00pm
June 18 & 20 from 6:30-7:30pm
July 16, 18, 23 & 25 from 6:30-7:30pm
August 13, 15 & 20 from 6:30-7:30pm
August 22, 27 & 29 from 6:30-7:30pm

Incoming 9th Graders and Up

$8 per class
$60 – 10 class punch card available at the door

Please come in clothes for movement.
Character and Tap shoes are recommended.
Come early to order tap shoes at a discounted price!

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