Family of cast and crew can pre-order tickets to White Christmas starting October 15th.  Do yourself a favor and get ’em while they’re hot, because on October 26th the general public will be snatching them up at warp speed.

Peoples! Ms. Hestwood, whose excitement over the June 2013 Trip to London (June 19th to June 25th through EF Tours) has swollen to dangerous proportions, has agreed to take the Pop Quiz challenge. No three-character restrictions for this born orator—wouldn’t want the woman’s brain to explode.

Q #1: Seven glorious days in LONDON, ENGLAND with a passel o’ high-spirited adolescents? Are you up to the task?


Not everyone realizes that ERHS has one of the few high school theatre programs to use a student pit orchestra to play the musical scores for their productions.  Many high school programs use pre-recorded music, which often lacks the immediacy and energy that make a live pit orchestra so exciting.  At the Loft Stage, which champions a holistic, student-centered approach to high school theatre productions, student musicians are already in the pit working on the score for White Christmas.  What a great way to sharpen skills and give our talented young musicians an opportunity to participate in a professional-level live-theatre experience. (more…)

This month we introduce you to our fabulous new board member, Patti Ehresman, who has stepped up to serve as Membership Coordinator.   Not long ago, Booster Co-chair Mary Reimann interviewed Patti.  Read on:

Q:  What brought you to the Loft Stage Boosters?

A:  Last year, theater was a new experience for me as this is the first year my daughter Lexi ever participated, and my only personal experience was doing makeup and costumes when I was in 7th grade, which was a LONG time ago!  Since Lexi student-directed all three productions last year, I got to see just what a wonderful program this is, and even more so, what an amazing group of kids, faculty, and parents make up The Loft Stage.  Having some negative experiences with sports in the past, it was exhilarating to see Lexi involved in something where she was so welcome, supported, and inspired and that made her so happy.  Lexi ran for a position in the LoftPAC and asked me if I would help with the Boosters.  Frankly, I felt honored she wanted me to be more involved and really wanted to support such a great group of talented kids.

Q: Tell us a little about you, your background and interests. 

A:  Last year I retired from the Air Force where I served as both a combat flight paramedic, and a pilot.  Now I am following my passion for health and wellness as an independent personal trainer, and working on my Yoga teaching certificate as well as my Master’s in Leadership.  As a former gymnast and coach, I love sports but have also loved the arts, despite the fact that I have no talent in them!  My hobbies include traveling, reading, working out and learning new things.

Q:  What does the membership director do?

A:  I lead efforts to expand membership and participation in the Boosters. Including coordination of volunteering, maintaining the membership database, helping new members, as well as creating new ways for boosters to be involved and help the program grow.

Q:  Was it a little scary taking on a big role like this?

A:  A little yes, but only because this is the first time I have been able to be part of a group like this, since before I was always traveling with my work in the military. Plus, I do not have a lot of knowledge about theater.  The great thing though, is this is really not about theater, it is about supporting the kids and the program.  Besides, this group is so welcoming that I feel right at home…even when I have so many questions!

Q:  What do you enjoy most about volunteering for the theater program? 

A:  How happy it makes Lexi.  I am so thankful that my daughter wants me to be part of something that is so important to her.

Q:  What are your hopes for the Loft stage boosters this fall?   

A:  I hope we fill the open positions, and I really hope that we are able to provide a parent experience that is rewarding and meaningful to them as a parent, and to their kids.

Well said!  Welcome, Patti, thanks for taking the time to let us get to know you a little better, and good luck in your new position.

Thank you so much to everyone who showed up for our first meeting on September 10th.

The new faces really inspired the board members and we are really ready to get this year started! Here is what is going on for LoftPAC this month:

On October 14th, LoftPAC will be traveling to the Ordway to see Billy Elliot, where a Woodbury Dance Center student will be starring in the title role. If you were unable to get your money in on time for this show, don’t worry. There will be more opportunities for future shows. Also, we are getting ready to kick off our first individual fundraiser for the year: Butter Braids. Money you raise can go toward theatre fees, fields trips like Billy Elliot, or even the June 2013 trip to London.

As always, if you miss a meeting, don’t forget to check the LoftPAC page on the website for minutes.

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