Props needed for Aida!

Lots of props are needed to ensure Aida visually pops on stage, and the Loft Stage really needs your help to make this happen. George would be delighted to receive any of the following items when he is in the shop–hours are Monday-Thursday 6:30 to 9:00 in the evenings, or Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  The sooner you can get these items to George, the better.  Many thanks in advance!

George’s wish list:

  • Baskets – Medium size and large hamper size
  • Silk Flowers and greenery
  • Vases – Rose bud vases that we can paint and medium size metal vases
  • Bowls – Wooden or brass-like metal or tin
  • Fake fruit and vegetables
  • Jewelry – Fake jewelry and beads
  • Wine goblets, plastic
  • Wine pitcher plastic
  • Metal trays
  • Boxes – Wooden with/without lids
  • Muslin fabric or white bed sheets
  • Upholstery Fabric – Remnants in rich jewel colors
  • Rope – Medium to thick twine-type
  • Latex Paint – Any colors (no enamel paints or stains)

A benefit supporting the
Educational Theatre Association’s Student Scholarship fund

The Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) present Making Magic, Defying Gravity, an evening of “behind the curtain” conversation and music with working professionals from the National Touring Company of the Broadway Blockbuster Wicked.

On Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 8pm area high school students will join working professionals onstage for an evening of entertainment and conversation in celebration and support of theatre education. Representing Minneapolis and 10 area high schools will be Sophie Geerdes (Blaine), Mitchell Greene (St. Francis), Erin Hartford (Centennial), Zach Hays (Holy Angels), Sharon Houchins (Blaine), Coletrane Johnson (Washburn), Max Mauch-Morff (St. Francis), Corinne Nugent (Shakopee), Abilene Olson (St. Francis), Naomi Ridley (East Ridge), and Isabel Rousmaniere (Minneapolis South).

All proceeds benefit the EdTA Scholarship Fund for students across the country. Since its inception in 2012 Making Magic, Defying Gravity has traveled to over 14 cities across America as an advocacy outreach benefit.

Tickets are $15 and can be reserved online or purchased at the door on the day of the show from 6:45-7:45 p.m.

For more information about this one-night event and the performers, visit EDTA Website

View the Press Release
View the Poster

For those who missed the parent meeting, or who just want to review, a .pdf of the presentation can be found below.

Parent Meeting

Please come to the theater immediately after school for our read through.


Aida Katherine Spicuzza
Amneris Naomi Ridley
Radames Luke Syrstad
Zoser Garrett Hildebrandt
Mareb Brendan Finn
Pharoah Isaac Sorensen
Amonasro Ryan Richardson
Nehebka Maggie Eckberg
Ensemble Abby Winston
Alex Berger
Anna Reimann*
Asia Franklin
Brandon Thompson
Brenna Masgai
Cali Yee
Caroline Kieffer
Christina Ippoliti
Clara Grismer
Elizabeth Neuenfeldt
Ellie Schmillen
Erin Foy
Ethan Hallstrom
Fallon Crouse
Haley Webb
Hannah Jorgenson
Holly Brown
Ian Loretz
Jack Brisson
Jamie Humphries
Jeric Basilio
Kaylee Cates
Mara Jones
Mark May
Matt Syrstad
Megan Deppa
Michael Miller
Olivia Kieffer
Quintin Walker
Sam Joson
Samantha Wynn
Suzanne Melin
Tegan Jones
Thomas Sullivan
Tim Johnson

Thank you to all who auditioned. Please check the list tomorrow as not all in the cast will be called back. Please audition for us again. This was an outstanding group to audition. Students who are called back should meet in the theater after school at 3:15pm.

Alex Berger Abby Winston
Brandon Thompson Anna Reimann
Brendan Finn Asia Franklin
Chris Murphy Brenna Masgai
Ethan Hallstrom Cali Yee
Garrett Hildebrandt Caroline Kieffer
Ian Loretz Christina Ippoliti
Isaac Sorensen Clara Grismer
Jack Brisson Daniela Montermini
Jeric Basilio Elizabeth Neuenfeldt
Josh Hoehne Ellie Schmillen
Kevin Hawn Emma Intveld
Luke Syrstad Erin Foy
Mark May Fallon Crouse
Matt Syrstad Haley Webb
Michael Miller Hannah Jorgenson
Quintin Walker Holly Brown
Ryan Richardson Jamie Humphries
Sam Joson Julia Theiss
Thomas Sullivan Kalista Eichstaedt
Tim Johnson Katherine Spicuzza
Kaylee Cates
Lexi Ehresmann
Lydia Nelson
Mady Berg
Maggie Eckberg
Mara Jones
Megan Deppa
Naomi Ridley
Olivia Kieffer
Samantha Wynn
Suzanne Melin
Tegan Jones
Tina Eddy
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