ERHS Theater

Jessica Sebeck Lugo, Costume Design

Making costumes is one of my passions.  I really look forward to working with the students to help them get into character.  Even if you don’t know how to sew a stitch, you can still help with costumes.  (A little hot glue, fusible web and velcro go a long way.)

Two Truths and a Lie:

a) My husband was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

b) In college my professors included a former C.I.A. Agent, a Chinese Qigong Master and a Riot Grrrl.

c) I speak four languages (some more fluently than others).

(a is the lie—My husband was born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.)

Julia Schmitt, Choreographer

The best part about my job as a choreographer is getting to meet and work with such talented cast and crew members. I’m excited to get to meet the family at the Loft Stage!  Everyone involved in a project like putting on a musical is working towards a common goal: To put on the best show possible. I’m going to push for each of my actors to be their best; everyone is cast in the show for a reason, I want to constantly be reminded of why you were cast.

Two Truths and a Lie:

a) I’ve had a TV show tweet me back more than once.

b) I joined Facebook within one year of its launch.

c) I have traveled to Spain twice.

(c is the lie—I’ve been to Spain only once while I was in Europe for a month. I’ve also been lucky enough to travel to India and Korea!)

There are three DVDs available for purchase online. Don’t miss this chance to get the an entire performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream or the long version of the White Christmas highlight reel or the theater banquet highlight reels including the senior recognition slideshow and the year in review highlight. All of these can be purchased online at the link provided below.

Purchase DVDs

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