ERHS Theater

Congratulations to the cast, crew and orchestra and the following individual award winners, who received notice from the Hennepin Theatre Trust for the Loft Stage production of The Little Mermaid. 


Outstanding Achievement in Musical Theatre
Outstanding Overall Production
Outstanding Overall Performance
Honorable Mention Ensemble Performance
Honorable Mention Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Honorable Mention Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Outstanding Overall Technical Team
Outstanding Technical Crew
Honorable Mention Student Orchestra
Honorable Mention A/V Board Operators
Outstanding Performance in a Leading Role Kat Grannis as Ariel
Outstanding Performance in a Leading Role Maggie Eckberg as Ursula
Outstanding Performance in a Leading Role Quintin Walker as Sebastian
Honorable Mention in a Supporting Role Cali Yee as Flounder
Honorable Mention in a Supporting Role Erin Foy as Scuttle
Technical Leadership Nomination Sophie Pfluger as Stage Manager
Technical Leadership Nomination Alec McCoy as Sound Board Operator
Technical Leadership Nomination Gavyn Lulich as Costume Crew Member
Evaluator Shout-Out Teagan Jones
Evaluator Shout-Out Tony May
Evaluator Shout-Out Ethan Williams
Evaluator Shout-Out Max Schiller
Evaluator Shout-Out Michael Miller
Evaluator Shout-Out Cormac Dolezal

The Third Annual Alumni Cabaret will be held this Thursday, December 29th at 7:00pm at the Loft Stage. Join us as we welcome back more than twenty of our brightest stars as they bring their talents back to the Loft for an evening that promises to be a highlight to the season. A free-will donation will be accepted but is not required.

Join us at The Loft!

To register for the winter play, please go to the Activities Website.

If you are participating in the Childhood, you will register for the One-Act Play.

All other winter play participants, including those in The Long Christmas Dinner and those doing set, costumes or video crew should register for Chamber Theater.

Tech Meeting was Tuesday, December 5th. Not a lot of tech hours for the winter One Acts

London/Dublin Trip: meeting is Thursday, December 15th at 6pm. Parents and students are invited to come and discuss trip and decide shows

Parent Meeting for One Act: meeting is Thursday, December 15th at 7pm. Any people involved in any aspects of the One Acts should attend this meeting.

Suessical and Aspire Show Choir: Performances this weekend December 9th-11th at The Loft Stage.

MTO: Students submit 10-30 minute plays. There will be 4 shows overall. You have to submit this via google doc Saturday the 10th by midnight. The same google doc can be used to audition to be an actor in one of these shows. For actors, a short video is needed on December 14th by midnight. Directors can send in a form, and techies are needed too. These will be performed at the Conference. The rehearsal schedule is chill, and will be set up if you are part of the shows.

NIES: Planning meetings after winter break (pair up people that need partners, etc.) Meet two weeks before the conference to perform for Mrs. Hestwood and everyone else. Techie NIES are available as well!

Christmas Party: A Christmas Story theme- will be Friday, December 16th (address coming on Facebook). Dinner will be provided. Everyone will bring something to share such as an appetizer, dessert or snack. There will be a $10-$15 white elephant gift exchange (gift should be weird but useful)!

Caroling: Lofties will be caroling with Mrs. Grannis Saturday, December 17th. More info, including address coming student Facebook.

Alumni Cabaret: Skits and Songs, December 29th at 7pm (approximately 1.5 hours) in The Loft Stage (NOT BLACKBOX)

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