ERHS Theater

Hello everybody!

If you are planing to audition for the Hobbit please study the video in the link below! We will be doing these movements in auditions.

If you have not filled an audition form out do so here:

Auditions for the Hobbit are this Wednesday (Feb. 26th) and Thursday (Feb. 27th)! Below are the sides we will be using in auditions. Feel free to study them! Tomorrow we will be posting a video from our assistant director Meredith on some fight moves to study.

If you haven’t filled out an audition form, do so here!

Here’s the link to the slide show:

February Slide Show!

Quick Summary:

  • Check out some theater opportunities in the community!
  • Donate to our service project!
  • Get ready for the spring play!

Please reach out to any of the officers if you have any questions! Have a good rest of the month!


Auditions for this year’s spring play, The Hobbit, are Wednesday and Thursday, February 26-27th right after school in the black box theatre. Students only need come to one day of auditions. Callbacks will be posted online Thursday night (2/27) and will take place Friday, February 28th right after school. There is no need to prepare anything for the audition; instead, students will be performing cold reads from the actual show. There will be a movement portion to the audition, so please dress comfortably and be prepared to move.

All those auditioning must fill out the following Google form:

Online script access can be found HERE.

Email spring play director Marcie Panian with any questions.

Interested in participating in technical crew? Fill out the tech interest form and join us Friday, February 28th after school in the choir room for our first tech crew meeting. Those unable to the make the meeting should email our technical director, Jimmy Stocco, at

Hi all!

Here’s the link to the meeting presentation

Make sure to sign up for our communication tools

  • Online calendar (
  • Remind (Text 81010 @loftpac)
  • Instagram (@theloftstage)
  • Twitter (@TheLoftStage)
  • Reach out to officers
  • Meeting minutes (THIS!)

Submit Thespian points HERE

Improve Workshop on January 11th from 2-4pm (contact with any questions)

Spotlight Tech Masterclass signup HERE (contact with any questions)

One Act Festival on January 17th at 7pm at WHS

Once On This Island at the Ordway on Wednesday February 5th at 11am (will miss school)

Anastasia at the Orpheum on Sunday April 5th at 1pm

Freshman/Sophomores/Juniors!! – Advanced Acting and Directing as well as Creative Dramatics and Acting

Please reach out to officers or Ms. Carlson with any questions at all!! Additionally, there’s more information on all the above events in the meeting presentation linked above.



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