ERHS Theater

If you missed the information meeting or would like to look over the presentation again, you can find it here: Tech Crew Information Meeting Slides


If you are interested in participating on the tech crew for our spring musical, please fill out the tech crew interest form: Tech Crew Interest Form

The above form will only work with a non-district Google account. If you only have a district Google account, please use this form: Alternate Tech Crew Interest Form

Remember, the character you show when you look at a cast list is much more important than a character in a play. 

Thank you to each and every one of you who auditioned for Legally Blonde. We so admire your bravery and hard work; you made this a difficult task for us all! All cast please meet at 3:30pm tomorrow in the black box theatre for our first rehearsal. If you were not cast, please consider  joining the technical crew. The tech crew informational meeting is Thursday, September 8th at 3:15pm in the choir room.

Elle Woods Ava Bartel
Emmett Isaac Theisen
Paulette Buonofuonte Alexa Grace LaFontaine Larson
Pilar Layla Bagal
Margot Grace Smith
Serena Macey Spolidoro
Professor Callahan Michael Edgerton
Warner Huntington III Connor Hestwood
Vivienne Kensington Anna Avent
Brooke Wyndham Haleigh Smith
Kyle B. O’Boyle Henry North
Enid Hoops Hailey Engelking*
Grand Master Chad Lawson Sharrer
Kate Olivia Vue
Elle’s Mom Brooklin Giddings*
Elle’s Dad Hunter Fizel*
Hair Affair Cashier (Laker Girl) Sofia Berdie*
Kiki Chandler Schmitz*
Aaron Schultz Andrew Sayers*
Dewey Titus Scribner*
Nikos Argitakos Chandler Schmitz*
Carlos Lawson Sharrer*
Greek Chorus Kianna Yasis
Morgan Maki
Addison Rohm
Lauren Lee
Ensemble Sophia Bramel
(* = also ensemble) Aaron Claxton
Addy Garrett
Maddie Gerber
Riley Hestwood
Sydney Hommez
Bella Jones
Reece Loveridge
Abigail Schroeder<
Sydney Segedi
Liesl Smith
Sydney Staples
Naomi Tesfaye
Luca Walz
Shayna Yasis
Dylan Zeilinger-Johnson

Thank you to all the amazing talent who auditioned for Legally BlondeIf your name is not on the list below, please remember to check the final cast list again tomorrow; we will be casting people who were not called back. The first cast meeting will be this Thursday at 3:30pm in the choir room. If you are interested in helping the production in another way please come to the technical meeting on Thursday, September 8th in the choir room.

Callbacks will begin at 5:00pm on Wednesday in the theatre. Bring water and dress for movement. Historically, callbacks can be a time-consuming process, so please do your best to clear your schedule that afternoon/evening.

Addison Rohm Kianna Yasis
Alexa Grace LaFontaine Larson Lauren Lee
Andrew Sayers Lawson Sharrer
Anna Avent Layla Bagal
Ava Bartel Luca Walz
Chandler Schmitz Macey Spolidoro
Connor Hestwood Michael Edgerton
Grace Smith Morgan Maki
Haleigh Smith Naomi Tesfaye
Henry North Olivia Vue
Hunter Fizel Sophia Bramel
Isaac Theisen Titus Scribner

Saturday, August 20th 9:00am-12:00pm

Join us as we kick off the 22-23 theatre season! We will work together to build our Woodbury Days parade float and enjoy root beer floats afterward.

Meet in the scene shop – enter through the black box doors. Wear closed-toe shoes and painting clothes. Bring a friend – all are welcome, especially new Lofties!

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