ERHS Theater

Opening night is just around the corner!

A tremendous amount of work has already gone into preparing for this amazing show.  But now we need your help to pull it off!

There are many ways that you can get involved.  We will need help with the Opening Night Gala, Silent Auction, Merchandise Sales, Ticket Sales, Flower Sales, and Ice Cream Sales.  There is definitely something for everyone!  We know that it’s getting to be a very busy time of year, so we’ve provided different timeslots for each of our volunteer opportunities.  Get out your calendars and choose a timeslot or two that work with your schedule!

Please click on the links below to sign up for your volunteer time:

Gala Volunteers:

Silent Auction Volunteers:

Ticket Volunteers:

Ice Cream & Water Sales Volunteers:

Merchandise Sales Volunteers:

Flower Sales Volunteers:

Thank you in advance for being willing to help out!

Tickets can be purchased/picked up in person inside the activities entrance of East Ridge on the following dates and times:

  • Saturday, November 3rd
  • Tuesday, November 6th
  • Saturday, November 10th
  • Tuesday, November 13th
    11:00am-1:00pm and 5:00pm-7:00pm
  • Saturday, November 17th
  • Tuesday, November 20th
    11:00am-1:00pm and 5:00pm-7:00pm
  • Saturday, November 24th
  • Monday-Friday November 26-29th
  • Tuesday, November 27th
  • Monday-Thursday, December 3-6th

The box office will open one hour before show time.


Do you value the cultural and educational benefits of theatre arts?  Do you attend shows at the Loft Stage and delight in the students’ hard work, energy, and talent?  Then consider being a Loft Stage patron.

The mission of the Loft Stage Theater Patron Program is to grow and sustain a high quality theater program at East Ridge High School.  Financial support through patronage makes it possible to offer a top-notch theater experience for audiences in the Loft Stage’s state-of-the art setting, while championing theatre arts education and showcasing student talent.  Funds are needed for creating and expanding opportunities for theater students, such as scholarship, student travel, workshops, and student recognition. We support Loft Stage participation in highly regarded theatre programs, including the International Thespian Society; the Hennepin Theatre Trust’s Spotlight program; and Community Outreach initiatives.  We hope to continue these opportunities and extend them to more students at a lower cost.

Support levels:

Friends: $25-$99

Advocates: $100-$249

Donors: $250-$499

Benefactors: $500-$999

Angels: $1000+

All Patrons will be recognized in Theater Playbills going forward from their first time of support.  Support is cumulative from year to year, so Patrons who start at the Friend Level, for example, can change to Advocate level once their total support reaches the $100 mark.  In addition, all patrons at the Benefactor and Angel level will be invited to an end-of-year dinner, our treat, to thank them for their support.

To become a Loft Stage Theater Patron, please contact Todd Thorsen, Treasurer, Loft Stage Boosters at 651-756-8032 or

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