Are you involved in LoftPAC? Are you interested in becoming involved? Want to meet others involved? Just want to have some fun with other lofties? Make sure to come to the loftPAC party tomorrow at 7 pm at Jared (and Alex) Doran’s house! We are planing on being outside in the back yard and doing a bonfire; if it rains we will go inside. There will be food, drinks, and lots of fun so make sure you’re there! However, in order to have food, we need you to bring something to share! Feel free to bring chips, sweets, fruits/veggies, or anything you like to eat to share with everyone. Additionally, plan on putting on/wearing bug spray because the Doran’s backyard is right up next to a wooded area. If you can’t make it the whole time, come for any part of it! If you missed the address, please email or text Jared Doran ( and he’ll get it to you We plan on being done around 10:30. Make sure to come!

Here’s the link to the slide show: SEPTEMBER LoftPAC MEETING

  • Make sure to buy your Wendy and Peter Pan DVDs on the loft store! Hopefully, they’ll be done before the end of the musical (no guarantee)
  • Join the Remind!
    • LoftPAC – Text @loftpac to 81010
    • Fall Musical – Text @drowsy to 81010
  • Musical Parent meeting for all students involved in the musical (actors or tech) on Monday, September 9th at 7 pm in room 2045
  • If you’re involved in any way in the musical, make sure to register on FeePay
    • Due by September 20th
  • Loftie gathering at Jared (and Alex) Doran’s house on Friday, September 13th at 7 pm.
    • Address – 9279 Summerlin Ct.
    • It will be in the backyard and there will probably be lots of bugs so make sure to wear bug spray
  • Buy your Drowsy Chaperone T-Shirt on the loft stage store!!
    • We will do the calculations for you so all you have to do is just record what you did
  • England Trip – 2021
    • Parent Meeting on September 17th at 6 pm (Room 1035, lower green)
  • We will be going to see these shows throughout the year:
    • The Band’s Visit – December 14th
      Once on This Island – February 5th (during school)
      Anastasia – April 5th
  • Fall Service Project – Singing in a nursing home (more details to come)
  • Fill out this google form so that we can know what areas of theatre you’re interested in learning more about
  • We’re going to Valley Scare this year on October 12th! If you want to go reach out to Meghan Horan ((309)-532-3982). Tickets will only be $30 if you buy them through Meghan!
  • Loftie Booing is going to happen again this year!! Text Meghan Horan your first and last name along with any food allergies you have and she’ll get you all signed up!
    • Must express interest by September 30th to be involved.
    • Director: Marcie
Make sure to attend our theatre workshop THIS Friday from 12:30-6:30! This is only open for current lofties or incoming ERHS freshman. Please contact Katie Carlson ( with any questions regarding acting or Jared Doran ( with any tech questions. Hope to see you all there!!

Wendy and Peter Pan:

  • May 2-5
  • advertise and buy tickets!
  • T-shirts on loft store for $15-$17

Set Construction:

  • sign up for star drop on sign up genius
  • everyone needs at least 10 hours!


  • vote for 3 new officers….voting ends April 10!

Les Mis Viewing Party:

  • Friday, April 12 @7pm in Loft Stage

Scholars Breakfast:

  • April 20 @9am for those interested in scholars for next year!


  • RH Stafford Library Day
  • April 20 @2:30pm
  • making fairy houses and cute crafts with kids!

The Play That Goes Wrong:

  • May 10
  • not enough people for a bus…need other transportation

Thespian Points:

  • SENIORS AND NEW THESPIANS ($30 fee) must submit points by Monday, April 8
  • seniors can get a tassel for $15 and get to keep it!

DEH Tickets:

  • on sale Saturday, April 6 @5pm ish for $60 (includes bussing and show)
  • 45 tickets total
  • permission slips will be passed out at a LoftPAC meeting
  • Lofties get priority!!!

Little Shop Ticket Exchange:

  • PHS is doing Little Shop for their spring musical…more details to come!

End of Year Banquet:

  • May 7 for $12 (meal included)
  • slideshows and lots of fun!!
  • buy tickets on Loft Stage website (price will go up!)

Relay for Life:

  • meeting Monday, April 8 during Raptor Time in the theater office for info (text 651-508-2361 to RSVP)
  • June 7-8 from 6pm-6am
  • need singers to perform at Luminaria Ceremony!:)

Thespian Festival Recap:

  • Congrats to Carter and Allison for superiors!
  • If interested in becoming a State Thespian Officer, talk to Maggie

Play-in-a-Day Recap:

Spring Play Tech:

  • 10 hours minimum required when in the show
  • If you weren’t at tech meeting today and want to participate, email Jimmy

Tickets for The Play That Goes Wrong:

  • Friday, May 10th @ 8pm Orpheum
  • 30 seats available….$48 per ticket (busing and show)
  • Sold on Loft Store
  • Permission slip needed

Relay For Life Committee:

  • Text Elizabeth to join (651-508-2361)
  • Help plan, bring materials, etc!

Dialect Workshop:

  • DATE CHANGED to Wednesday, March 6 from 3:30-5:30 in Black Box
  • 1 hour Standard British and 1 hour Cockney (should come to both:))

Actors Needed:

  • Friday, April 26 from 9:39-11:31am we are collaborating with Woodbury Police Department to stage a mock crash (11th and 12th graders interact/participate)
  • Prep begins at 8am April 26
  • Roles needed: student driver, student fatal, mother of fatal, father of fatal, student critical, student minor injury
  • Best if mother and father characters of student fatal are actual parents, but if they are uncomfortable with that, other adults will work!
  • Talk to Mrs. Carlson if interested!

Officer Applications:

  • Meghan H and Elizabeth are co-chairs! Positions available: Historian, Community Outreach, Community Building
  • Application:
  • Due by April 1…Voting begins April 5…Voting ends April 10
1 8 9 10 11 12 44

Thespian Point System

Please use the following form to submit theatrical work, past and present, in order to keep accurate records for spring induction.

Click the following link to see the suggested point values for theatre-related activities:

Suggested Point Values

Lettering Policy

In order to earn an East Ridge letter in theatre, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Participate in each of the three main-stage productions in some capacity (e.g. acting, technician, set construction, ushering, etc.).
  2. Earn a bear minimum of ten Thespian points for East-Ridge-related theatre activities (see details above about point allocations).
  3. Complete at least ten set construction hours in the East Ridge scene shop. This total is inclusive of individual production requirements.

Please use the above Google form to input participation as that documentation will be used to track lettering as well.

LoftPAC Officers

Neela Estochen – Tech Representative
Kylie Estochen – Community Outreach
Hailey Engelking – Communications
Maddie Gerber – Historian
Chandler Schmitz – Education Outreach
Macey Spolidoro – Community Building