
Help out the Loft Stage by donating items around your home for use in theatre productions.

Here’s George’s Spring Cleaning Wish List:

  • Furniture (present a photo before delivery)
  • Household items for props
  • Usable Latex Paint (1/2 gallon minimum)
  • Fabrics or novelties for making costumes
  • Clothing for costumes
  • Curtains, tablecloths, blankets, etc.
  • Storage containers
  • Pictures or wall hangings

Coupon Cards Fundraiser is Back!

Back by popular demand is our merchant card individual fundraiser. Last year, many students earned big bucks by selling these popular discount cards to family, friends and neighbors. Students can use their individual funds for a variety of theater activities including activity fees, field trips and merchandise/photos. Here’s how it works:

The cards feature local businesses with various product discounts.  Last year merchants included Great Clips, Dairy Queen, Papa Murphy’s Pizza and Acapulco.  The cards sell for $20 and students get to keep $10 for every card they sell.  Most sales occur during a fun weekend sales blitz, where students work in teams to target ERHS neighborhoods to make sales.  This event is followed by a pizza party, complete with cash prize drawings and awards for top sellers.  All who participated last year had fun and were pleasantly surprised at how much they could earn in one afternoon.  “I was amazed how much fun it was and how easy it was to sell the cards,” said Beth Martin, who earned $180 during last year’s blitz.

We also need a handful of parent volunteers to work with teams on the sales blitz date.  Booster Mom Mary Kieffer helped last year: “It was so much fun to see how excited the kids were.  We were calling and texting back and forth with another team to see who had the most sales and the pizza party was a big hit.  Our kids love hanging out together anyway, so this way they can be together and earn money for their theater activities.”

This year’s fundraiser is March 1-22, with the all-important sales blitz on Sunday, March 3 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm.  Students need to sign up to participate by Feb. 8th.  Ms. Hestwood has a sign up sheet in her office.  Any additional questions regarding the fundraiser can be directed to Todd and Annette Thorsen at 651-756-8032 or

As an FYI, The Loft Stage Boosters conducts only two individual fundraisers per season: Butter Braids during the fall and the coupon cards during winter/spring.

  • Vacuum sealed home baked treats
  • Jerky
  • Gatorade/PowerAde drink mix packets
  • Ground coffee/ Starbucks, Caribou
  • Protein bars
  • Instant soups
  • Gum
  • Nuts
  • Puzzle books
  • Oatmeal packets
  • Trail mix
  • Chex mix
  • Car magazines
  • Hunting/sports magazines
  • Lotion
  • New movies
  • Homemade Christmas cards the service folks can use to send to their loved ones back home

Opening night is just around the corner!

A tremendous amount of work has already gone into preparing for this amazing show.  But now we need your help to pull it off!

There are many ways that you can get involved.  We will need help with the Opening Night Gala, Silent Auction, Merchandise Sales, Ticket Sales, Flower Sales, and Ice Cream Sales.  There is definitely something for everyone!  We know that it’s getting to be a very busy time of year, so we’ve provided different timeslots for each of our volunteer opportunities.  Get out your calendars and choose a timeslot or two that work with your schedule!

Please click on the links below to sign up for your volunteer time:

Gala Volunteers:

Silent Auction Volunteers:

Ticket Volunteers:

Ice Cream & Water Sales Volunteers:

Merchandise Sales Volunteers:

Flower Sales Volunteers:

Thank you in advance for being willing to help out!


Do you value the cultural and educational benefits of theatre arts?  Do you attend shows at the Loft Stage and delight in the students’ hard work, energy, and talent?  Then consider being a Loft Stage patron.

The mission of the Loft Stage Theater Patron Program is to grow and sustain a high quality theater program at East Ridge High School.  Financial support through patronage makes it possible to offer a top-notch theater experience for audiences in the Loft Stage’s state-of-the art setting, while championing theatre arts education and showcasing student talent.  Funds are needed for creating and expanding opportunities for theater students, such as scholarship, student travel, workshops, and student recognition. We support Loft Stage participation in highly regarded theatre programs, including the International Thespian Society; the Hennepin Theatre Trust’s Spotlight program; and Community Outreach initiatives.  We hope to continue these opportunities and extend them to more students at a lower cost.

Support levels:

Friends: $25-$99

Advocates: $100-$249

Donors: $250-$499

Benefactors: $500-$999

Angels: $1000+

All Patrons will be recognized in Theater Playbills going forward from their first time of support.  Support is cumulative from year to year, so Patrons who start at the Friend Level, for example, can change to Advocate level once their total support reaches the $100 mark.  In addition, all patrons at the Benefactor and Angel level will be invited to an end-of-year dinner, our treat, to thank them for their support.

To become a Loft Stage Theater Patron, please contact Todd Thorsen, Treasurer, Loft Stage Boosters at 651-756-8032 or

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Booster Board

Booster Board List Serv

Amanda Hestwood

Ann Walz

Joyce Loveridge
Communications Chair

Dave Sayers
Treasurer / Patron Program Chair

Jen Estochen
Volunteer Chair

Kristie Eid
Hospitality Chair

Heather Rohm
Events Chair

Booster Documents
The Loft Stage Patrons

The Loft Circle ($2000+)
The Gilboe Family
Heart and Mind Fund of Diana Hestwood and Earl Orf
The Ippoliti Family
The Jones Family
The John and Darla Samuelson Family
The Parenteau Stevens Family

Angels ($1000-$1999)
The Benjamin Famliy
The Feuer Family
The Haering Family
The Pfluger Family
The Sorensen Family
The Spicuzza Family
Jimmy Stocco, III
The Winston Family
The Youngdahl Family

Benefactors ($500-$999)
The Avent Family
The Bannwarth Family
The Eckberg Family
Chance and Michele Garrity
Greg and Lori Kostick
The Roeser Family
The Stevenson Family
The Sullivan Family

Donors ($250-$499)
The Bartel Family
The Bramel Family
Brian and Kris Christensen
The Dols/Montermini Family
The Emery Family
The Engert Family
The Grannis Family
The Reimann Family
The Ryerse Family
The Sayers Family
The Sharrer Family
The Sherburne Family
The Weber Family

Advocates ($100-$249)
Alex Berger
The Chang Family
The Deppa Family
Jim and Cindy Dunlap
The Erikstrup Family
The Finn Family
Richard and Melanie Foy
The Fritz Family
Craig and Monica Hamer
Amanda Hestwood
The Horan Family
Lynda James-Gilboe
The Krish Family
The LaFontaine-Larson Family
Beth Martin
Sandra Masgai
(in Memory of Grandpa Gene)
The May Family
The McCoy Family
The Miller Family
The NewKirk Family
(in Memory of Richard W. Jones)
Ann and Greg O’Meara
The Ouradnik Family
The Pfeifer Family
The Sandberg Family
Katherine Spicuzza
Jody Stibitz
The Trevis Family
Twin Cities Sports Collectors Club
The VanDeest Family
The Walker Family
(in Memory of Flo Walker)
The Williams Family

Friends ($25-$99)
Laurie Asunma
The Doran Family
The Dulka Family
Juliana Elchert
Gerald and Carol Jevning
(in Memory of Richard W. Jones)
The Melody Lee Family
Louise Ouradnik
Brigitte Parenteau
Debby Reisinger
Vickie and Mike Roeser
The Sayers Family
The Seif Family
Melissa Steinke
Jody Stibitz
Cindy Thompson and Family
Phillip Victor
Kay Welte