
For those that were unable to make the parent meeting, or those that just need to review the presentation, please find it below and please ask us if you have any questions.

Parent Meeting Presentation

Please find the parent meeting presentation below if you were unable to attend.

Parent Meeting

Feed My Starving Children
October 9th from 6-8pm

WCT Event Volunteering (students)
October 24th evening

Bagging at Kowalski’s(students and adults)
October 25th from 12pm to 6pm (2hr shifts)

Opening Night Gala
November 6th

Ticket Sales
November 6th-15th

November 6th-15th

Set Construction
Come when you can.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7-9pm
Saturday from 9-12pm and 12-3pm

Come when you can
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7-9pm

Seeking to Borrow

  • Kopek (coins)
  • Well Pump (farm style)
  • Butter Churn
  • Wedding Rings
  • Sewing Machine (old style)
  • Silver Goblets (2)

Seeking for Donation

  • Wash Mop and Bucket (old type)
  • Goblets
  • Goose Pillows
  • Cloth (tailor type)
  • Old Broom

Seeking for Donation or Borrow

  • Pewter Mugs
  • Night Sticks for Policeman
  • Blankets and Bedding
  • Rope
  • Pot
  • Pan


Academic All Star Amanda Hestwood on  THE STATE OF THE LOFT, 2015 Edition.  Plus when she’d pass the buck to Jimmy.  Literally.

Q:  This has been another year of immense theatrical success for the Loft Stage at ERHS.  What’s your secret?

A:  I really don’t think there is a secret to our success. A simple formula of talented and hardworking kids, combined with talented and hardworking staff and supportive and hardworking parents equals unstoppable success.

Q:  The winds of change are blowing. How challenging will it be to continue to offer student experiences and to stage productions of this caliber?

A:  The winds of change are blowing and the hard part is not knowing what will change, when it will change or how it will change. We have been well supported since day one. I for one am hoping this will not change under the new administration.

Q:  What are your biggest hopes and fears regarding the future of the Loft at ERHS?

A:  I hope they will recognize what we are doing and leave us alone to do it.  Let’s stay with hopes for now and not dwell on the fear of the unknown.

Q:  What does District 833 leadership/administration need to know about the Loft’s educational theater program?

A:  Our program is student centered. Know what that means and come and see it in action. Ask questions! Know what you are making decisions about before you change what is not just working, but working really well.

Q:  What can we as a theater community do to help?

A:  Share your pride. Talk about what we are doing. Show pictures. Invite people to participate as appropriate. Continue to lend yourself to the continuous improvement we all strive for.

Q:  What would you do if you were handed a million dollars?

A:  I am sure Jimmy has a list. 🙂

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Booster Board

Booster Board List Serv

Amanda Hestwood

Ann Walz

Joyce Loveridge
Communications Chair

Dave Sayers
Treasurer / Patron Program Chair

Jen Estochen
Volunteer Chair

Kristie Eid
Hospitality Chair

Heather Rohm
Events Chair

Booster Documents
The Loft Stage Patrons

The Loft Circle ($2000+)
The Gilboe Family
Heart and Mind Fund of Diana Hestwood and Earl Orf
The Ippoliti Family
The Jones Family
The John and Darla Samuelson Family
The Parenteau Stevens Family

Angels ($1000-$1999)
The Benjamin Famliy
The Feuer Family
The Haering Family
The Pfluger Family
The Sorensen Family
The Spicuzza Family
Jimmy Stocco, III
The Winston Family
The Youngdahl Family

Benefactors ($500-$999)
The Avent Family
The Bannwarth Family
The Eckberg Family
Chance and Michele Garrity
Greg and Lori Kostick
The Roeser Family
The Stevenson Family
The Sullivan Family

Donors ($250-$499)
The Bartel Family
The Bramel Family
Brian and Kris Christensen
The Dols/Montermini Family
The Emery Family
The Engert Family
The Grannis Family
The Reimann Family
The Ryerse Family
The Sayers Family
The Sharrer Family
The Sherburne Family
The Weber Family

Advocates ($100-$249)
Alex Berger
The Chang Family
The Deppa Family
Jim and Cindy Dunlap
The Erikstrup Family
The Finn Family
Richard and Melanie Foy
The Fritz Family
Craig and Monica Hamer
Amanda Hestwood
The Horan Family
Lynda James-Gilboe
The Krish Family
The LaFontaine-Larson Family
Beth Martin
Sandra Masgai
(in Memory of Grandpa Gene)
The May Family
The McCoy Family
The Miller Family
The NewKirk Family
(in Memory of Richard W. Jones)
Ann and Greg O’Meara
The Ouradnik Family
The Pfeifer Family
The Sandberg Family
Katherine Spicuzza
Jody Stibitz
The Trevis Family
Twin Cities Sports Collectors Club
The VanDeest Family
The Walker Family
(in Memory of Flo Walker)
The Williams Family

Friends ($25-$99)
Laurie Asunma
The Doran Family
The Dulka Family
Juliana Elchert
Gerald and Carol Jevning
(in Memory of Richard W. Jones)
The Melody Lee Family
Louise Ouradnik
Brigitte Parenteau
Debby Reisinger
Vickie and Mike Roeser
The Sayers Family
The Seif Family
Melissa Steinke
Jody Stibitz
Cindy Thompson and Family
Phillip Victor
Kay Welte