Irving Berlin’s White Christmas Auditions


Monday, September 10th at 3:10pm- Join us for a short informational meeting in the choir room.

Tuesday and Wednesday, September 11-12 at 3:30pm.  Schedule an audition time for dance as well as a vocal/acting audition time within this two day window.

Dance Auditions: Students should come with comfortable shoes or dance shoes (if you have them) for the dance auditions.  Some students will be invited back on Wednesday night for a dance/tap callback.

Vocal/Acting Audition: Students may sing a song from the show that they will learn during the audition process or, if they choose, they may prepare thirty-two bars of a song of their choosing.  Students do not need to have a prepared piece in order to audition.  Some students may be invited back for a principle callback on Thursday, September 13th at 3:30pm. Initial audition sides are attached.

For more information see contact Ms. Hestwood at

Audition Application Form
Technical Application Form
Technical Crew Information Sheet
Conflict Calendar
White Christmas Audition – Sides
White Christmas Audition – Voice
White Christmas Audition Piano Only
White Christmas Audition Male Voice and Piano
White Christmas Audition Female Voice and Piano