Our trip to New York is almost ready. There will be a meeting for interested students on March 19th at 7:00pm in the choir room at East Ridge. The cost of the five day trip will be $1800.00. The attached documents go over the preliminary information for the trip.

NY Brochure[1]

NY Gerber Tours Proposal[3]


NY Registration Form[1]

See you on March 19th!


THE GLASS SLIPPER will be performed in the Commedia dell’Arte style, a humorous style of theater that originated in Italy around the 16th century, when traveling troupes performed on temporary open-air stages in city streets and courtyards.  Historically, commedia dell’Arte drew upon the improvisational skills of professional actors, who incorporated bold costume elements and props to perfect a specific role—usually a recognizable social type or stock character, such as the foolish old man, the devious servant, or the brash soldier.  While the story lines were standard, typically involving the struggles of young lovers or the comeuppance of a dimwitted authority figure, the actors improvised upon this basic plot, tailoring their performances to individual audiences with sly political commentary or bawdy innuendo.  The only scripted parts were the zany comic relief interludes–essentially well-rehearsed mayhem.  With The Glass Slipper’s running time of just over one hour, this means ERHS actors and audiences can expect big fun packed into a small show.

Julia Reimann (’12) just finished her first tour as a member of Nordic Choir, Luther College’s top choir. the choir visited Texas and the midwest, even making a stop here in the Twin Cities. Congratulations Julia on your musical excellence.

Amelia Pfarrer (’12) wants her fellow Lofties to know that she is employed as a technician at North Dakota State University’s theater. She has worked with ESPN GameDay when they came to Fargo in September and that definitely helped her realize what she wants to do with her marketing degree!

She has recently been elected as the Vice President-Public Relations with her sorority (Kappa Delta). It has been quite an eye opening experience to see what all goes on behind the scenes. She has also have taken a summer job as a Work Projects Manager at YouthWorks, which is a religious organization that is all over the US and will be working on a specific site all summer.

Congratulations Amelia!

Don’t miss Lofties Kajsa Jones, Michael McCutchen, Marcie Berglund Mara Jones, Mark May and Garrett Hildebrandt in this hilarious comic musical! Ticket on sale now at www.woodburycommunitytheatre.org.

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