April 7th~ Kevin Breel event at the Loft! The refreshments table begins at 6 and Kevin Breel goes on at 7! This is an awesome opportunity for our “No One is Alone” Campaign this year! Please come to this amazing event and learn more about some current problems in today’s youth!

April 10th~ We need 6 volunteers to help with “Jazz at the Loft” this Friday! Please sign up to help on the sign up sheets outside Ms.Hestwood’s office!

April 10th~ T-shirt orders and make-up orders due!

April 10/11th~ We still need volunteers for helping with “kid wrangling” and entertaining the kids on Friday and Saturday while Liberty Ridge Elementary School does their show: “Snow White”. Please sign up to help, and note that this is a great opportunity to earn more thespian points! Sign up sheets can be found outside Ms.Hestwood’s office.

April 11th~ Poster Plaster for the Crucible at 10 A.M.! It is expected that you are there if you are a part of the show, unless you have a pre-determined conflict! A sign up sheet can be found outside Ms.Hestwood’s office.

April 10th-12th and 17th-19th~ We need ushers for “The Importance of Being Earnest” at the Black Box! A separate link can be found on the LoftPAC tab for more information. A sign up sheet can also be found outside of Ms.Hestwood’s office.

This weekend (starting Thursday)~The show at Lake Middle School: “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” is premiering! Our own amazing Abby Winston has been student directing and this is a show you do not want to miss!

April 13th~ There is a Triple Threat Workshop through Spotlight! All students are welcome, but if you are participating in Triple Threat this year or want to learn more about it, it is highly recommended that you attend! Talk to Brendan Finn for more information.

April 20th~ There is a Spotlight Workshop hosted at ERHS at 7 P.M in the choir room. This is a dialect workshop, specifically for Yiddish! (Think: Fiddler on the Roof 😉

If you are considering auditioning for WCT’s production of “Les Miserables” and you are concerned about conflicts with Spotlight, talk to Ms.Hestwood for more information about how it will all work out.

April 24th-26th and 30th-May 3rd~ Park High School presents “Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella”! We are organizing a group to attend, so if you are interested in going, sign up on the sign up sheet outside of Ms.Hestwood’s office.

May 1st~ LoftPAC officer applications are due! If you are interested in applying to be an officer next year, talk to Ms.Hestwood to get an application form.

May 1st~ Theatre Lettering forms are due! If you are interested in lettering, pick up a lettering form outside of Ms.Hestwood’s office.

May 1st~All updated Thespian forms due to earn more Thespian points!

May 2nd~ QPR training @ noon @ ERHS.

May 1st-3rd~ We need ushers for The Crucible! Sign up sheets can be found outside of Ms.Hestwood’s office.

May 20th~ The Loft Stage Banquet! Tickets are only $10 for a fun night of awards, performances, and remembrance on the great year the Loft Stage/LoftPAC has had!

May 29th~ Newport Day! During the school day, 8 Lofties will be selected to go play theatre games and teach elementary school kids about all the great things theatre has to offer! If you are interested in going, a sign up sheet can be found out Ms.Hestwood’s office.

June 15th~ SPOTLIGHT!!!!!!

Stay updated and connected to the Loft Stage and all the things going on with Facebook, Twitter, Remind 101, and Instagram! Any questions on how to get more connected? See Maggie Eckberg.

Send in any photos you have taken this year of Lofties doing Loftie things to areimann@theloftstage.org for the end of year slide show at the Banquet! In addition, seniors, send in your senior photos to that same email or ahestwood@theloftstage.org for the end of year slide show!

Seniors~ See Ms.Hestwood if you have money in your individual theatre account.

On April 20th at 7:00pm, we will host a workshop on the yiddish dialect just in time to start thinking about Fiddler on the Roof in the fall. Don’t miss this opportunity to work on your accent and have fun at the same time!


Cinderella Poster-FINAL

Students who wish to go as a group should sign up in front of the choir room door! Date TBD.


Students, Get your ticket to the Importance of Being Earnest for only $7.50 by clicking this link.

stopthestigma_posterNEW FINAL JPG-2

Comedian and mental health activist Kevin Breel will hit the Loft Stage on Tuesday, April 7th. Kevin will be speaking and facilitating a panel of students. All are welcome to attend this free event sponsored in part by the Loft Stage and District #833.

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