For those that were unable to attend the parent meeting, or would just like to look over the presentation again, please find it below.

Fiddler Parent Meeting Presentation

Please don’t hesitate to contact Amanda, Francine or Jimmy with any questions. Thanks!

Feed My Starving Children
October 9th from 6-8pm

WCT Event Volunteering (students)
October 24th evening

Bagging at Kowalski’s(students and adults)
October 25th from 12pm to 6pm (2hr shifts)

Opening Night Gala
November 6th

Ticket Sales
November 6th-15th

November 6th-15th

Set Construction
Come when you can.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7-9pm
Saturday from 9-12pm and 12-3pm

Come when you can
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7-9pm

Seeking to Borrow

  • Kopek (coins)
  • Well Pump (farm style)
  • Butter Churn
  • Wedding Rings
  • Sewing Machine (old style)
  • Silver Goblets (2)

Seeking for Donation

  • Wash Mop and Bucket (old type)
  • Goblets
  • Goose Pillows
  • Cloth (tailor type)
  • Old Broom

Seeking for Donation or Borrow

  • Pewter Mugs
  • Night Sticks for Policeman
  • Blankets and Bedding
  • Rope
  • Pot
  • Pan

union jack

Early sign-ups due by September 30th for guaranteed lowest price!

Thank you to all the students and parents who came out for our meeting last night. What a great group with which to travel! Sign-up at:

London Tour Presentation

For those that were unable to attend the tech meeting on Friday, or just want to review the presentation, the file can be downloaded via the link below. If you have any questions about participating on the crew, please contact Jimmy.

Tech Meeting Presentation

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