For those that weren’t able to make the tech crew kick-off meeting, please find the presentation below. If you have questions after reviewing the presentation, please contact the technical director, Jimmy at

Tech Crew Presentation

Please complete the following tech interest form so that we know what you are interested in doing. Performance crew positions will be announced by Monday, December 9th. Participation on a production crew does not require registration and is open to anyone who is interested.

Tech Crew Interest Form

THANK YOU to everyone who auditioned! You should all be proud of the courage and talent you brought to auditions this week. If you have any questions about your audition feel free to email Leah.

If you were not cast please do not be discouraged. Please keep auditioning, you are all MEGA talented. If you are interested in doing tech for this show, we will be having a tech meeting this Thursday(December 5th) in the choir room.

If you have been cast, congratulations. Our first rehearsal is tomorrow after school in the black box. Please bring the full script either printed or on a tablet (not your phone). Our parent meeting will be on December 7th in the black box.

Thank you again- Leah and Jeric

Medea Meghan Horan
Nurse Elizabeth Avery
Chorus 1 Olivia Voerster
Chorus 2 Ava Hattenberger
Chorus 3 Alexa Grace LaFontaine-Larson
Creon/Guard Victoria Pommalath
Jason Erik Haering
Messenger/Guard Emma Lily
Attendent/Guard Baylee Stevenson
Aegues/Guard Anya Lu

Hello everyone, If you have received a callback please come to the black box tomorrow after school. Let me know if you have any questions! -Leah

Victoria P.
Baylee S.
Elizabeth A.
Meghan H.
Erik H.
Erik R.
Alex D.
Olivia V.
Emma L.
Ava C.
Anya Lu.
Ava H.
Megan M-H.
April O.

Hey everyone,

The click on the link below to view the Puerile Awards from the cast and crew party. Thanks for such an amazing show!

Puerile Awards

-LoftPAC Officers

Auditions for our one act play will be held the first week in December in the black box theatre. Students should prepare a brief dramatic monologue for Monday’s audition. Tuesday’s callbacks will include sides from the actual show. The original adaptation can be found attached.

Prior to auditioning, all actors are expected to fill out the following audition form:

Please email one act director Leah Jensen with any questions (

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