About the Show

Radium Girls is based on real life events surrounding the fight for justice for workers at the United States Radium Corporation. Many of these workers became sick and later died because of their work at these factories. The play delves into the public and personal struggles of the “dial painters” and the company heads as they fight over what is the cause of these deaths.

About Auditions

We are asking folks to submit a video for their audition. This video should be a recording of you reading one of the monologues provided in the sides or a monologue of your own choosing. Please also slate* in your video. Feel free to experiment with voices, expressions and gestures in your reading. You will be able to submit your video in the audition form.

Callbacks will happen the following day over google hangouts from 3:30- 6:30 (unless we need more time). You will log in during the time you are called (will be listed on the call back post) and read some sides. If you are not called back do not loose hope! You may still be cast.

If you have any questions please email either Leah or Jimmy.

* For those who don’t know a slate is an introduction before your audition. For instance a slate might sound like: Hi my name is (Insert Name here) and I will be reading monologue #2.

Audition Sides
Audition Form *
Audition Info Presentation

* The audition form will not work using your school account. Please use this form only if you DO NOT have an alternate Google account: Alternate Audition Form.

About Tech

Due to the format of the performances, the available opportunities for techs to participate is unfortunately limited. We are looking for people who would be interested in working on sound (effects and mixing), video (editing), and costumes (design).

Those people who are interested should email Jimmy (jstocco1@sowashco.org) to express their interest in participating.

About Performances

We will be recording and streaming this performance sometime in late January or early February. Details of when and how are still being worked out.

I hope everyone’s having a good December so far, here’s the link to the December LoftPAC Presentation.


  • One Act: Radium Girls, info meeting Friday December 11th at 3:15pm
  • The Prom Netflix watch party on January 1st
  • Holiday Hugs (Winter Loftie Booing)
  • Upcoming tech workshop
  • Virtual Thespian Festival
  • Next LoftPAC Meeting January 8th
Stage Manager Ian Winston
Deck Captain Hanna Meinders
Assistant Deck Captain Ava Meinders
Sound Crew Riley Gisch
Jenna Fitch
Lighting Crew Caleb Doran
Sydney Migal
Video Crew Leo Ouradnick
Morgan Gilboe
Cheney Yao
Grace Ballard
Reece Loveridge

Please utilize the sign-up form to indicate the days you will be coming to set. We need to limit attendance to 10 students and 2 parents each night, so we are utilizing a sign-up form to do that. If you have questions, please contact Jimmy.

Scene Shop Sign-Up

Thank you all for submitting your audition videos. We thoroughly enjoyed watching your videos from the comfort of a living room. If you were not cast, please do not be discouraged. We would encourage you to participate on the crew or try out for a future production.

The tech crew meeting is tomorrow afternoon at 3pm virtually.
Virtual Tech Meeting Link

Cast, our first meeting is Wednesday, September 30th in the theater. The supporting players are called for the entire rehearsal. The individual casts will be called at:
3:30pm – Mark of the Beast
4:15pm – The Cask of Amontillado
5:00pm – The Canterville Ghost

Mark of the Beast
Alex Doran
Erik Haering
Lawson Sharrer
Ethan Kalafatich
Adam Garrity
Lauren Nelson

The Canterville Ghost
Allison Benjamin
Reed Williams
Alexa Sandberg
Hunter Fizel
Natalie Engh
Zoe Sellner-Keer
Erik Rasmussen
Alexa Grace LaFontaine-Larson

The Cask of Amontillado
Connor Hestwood
Carter Bannwarth
Chandler Schmitz
Lindsey Seif

Supporting Players
Henry North
Benjamin Sayers
Addyson Clemens
Ava Hattenberger

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