What happens if it rains?
In the occurrence of inclement weather (ie – high winds, rain, thunderstorms, etc.), our outdoor performance of Grease will be rescheduled. Tickets for a rescheduled performance will automatically be moved to the corresponding Sunday (June 13 or June 20). If, for some reason, you are unable to attend the rescheduled rain date, please email tickets@theloftstage.org for a refund of purchase price; unfortunately, patrons cannot be refunded the processing fee. While rescheduling a performance is not ideal, we know this decision is in the best interest of student, staff, patron, and equipment safety.
How long is the show?
Grease runs approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. There will be a 15-minute intermissions between Acts I and II.
Do I have to bring a chair?
No, folding chairs will be setup for guest usage. Some chairs may have padded seats; others will be traditional metal folding chairs. If you are concerned about comfort, consider bringing a seat cushion.
Do I need to wear a mask?
Per the most recent governor’s orders, guest in our open air theatre are not required to wear masks; however, masks are strongly encouraged in more congested areas (i.e. bathrooms, box office lines, concessions, etc.).
Will the performers be masked?
As part of our district-approved COVID protocols, performers wore masks for the majority of rehearsals, but will be unmasked for performances.
Why perform outside if Governor’s orders are lifted?
Our production team has been planning this show for MONTHS, so by the time the orders were lifted, we were already too far along in the process to change venues. Additionally, the show, Grease, lends itself to a “Summer Night” show and open-air theatre is something our program has never tackled. We are excited for both students and guests to experience this one-of-a-kind show!
Can I bring snacks and/or beverages?
Unlike our indoor theatre, food and beverage are allowed outdoors. We kindly ask that guests be respectful and courteous, making sure that refreshments don’t become distracting and that any messes made are thoroughly cleaned. The production will take place on school grounds, so use of alcohol and tobacco products are strictly prohibited.
Where do I park?
The student lots, nearest the activities entrance (see image below), will likely be your best bet.
If, for some reason, parking is limited on that side, the bus lot, nearest the main entrance (see image below), is another close option.

Where can I drop off if I’m attending the show with someone in a wheelchair or with mobility issues?
Depending on where your seats are located, you may choose to drive up to either the main entrance or the student lot. House left is nearest the main entrance, whereas house right is nearest the student lot (indicated in red below).

Are there bathrooms on site?
Yes, guests will have access to indoor bathrooms just inside the activities entrance doors.