ERHS Theater

A big thank you to all who have made prop donations to Failure–a Love Story.  We are still in need of a few authentic vintage or convincingly vintage-looking props consistent with a 1920’s time period.  Below is the updated list, as of January 8.  Bring your loans or donations to George in the set shop.  Thanks again for your help!

  • 1920s-era stool with wheels
  • 1920s-era golf club
  • 1920s-era small clock-working tools (screwdriver, magnifying glass, etc. wood or metal)
  • 1920s-era pocket watch on a chain
  • 1920s-era swim goggles

MN Conference for 2014 is scheduled for February 16th and 17th. The event is a very full two days of all things theatre and the cost for students is just $60.

Highlights for this year…
Put your Freestyle Theatre performance on the Guthrie Thrust Stage!
See the All State Show staged reading of Omnium Gatherum!
Students can participate in two NIES events this year!
We’re returning to our fabulous locations from last year: Chanhassen High School and The Guthrie Theatre!

Detailed info and a flyer are attached.

See you soon!

MN Thespian Board

2014 Conference Flier
Conference Info Packet

Thank you to Jeanne Berget for the wonderful pictures of our opening night gala. Please connect to the following link to download your pictures from that night.

Jeanne Berget Photography

To purchase a high resolution photo – find your photo, go to “buy this photo” and the download option will be in a tab on the right of the window that pops up.  You can also purchase high quality prints from White House Custom Color and cards right from the website as well and they will be shipped directly to your door.

My website will only allow a low resolution download for free – to get that – you can right click on the photo.  This is good for online use – Facebook, etc.   High resolution downloads are only $1.00!

A huge thank you to all those who were interested in participating in the crew for the One-Act. Unfortunately, we can only bring a limited number of people with us to the competition. Those who did not make the competition crew but would still like to participate can do so by assisting with set construction.

Those students that made the competition crew should pick-up a Technician Contract form from outside the theater office and have it back to me no later than Friday. It can be turned in by putting it back in the box outside the theater office. Also, you will receive an email at the address you provided sometime today. You MUST respond to this email with the information requested to secure your spot on the crew.

Student Director
Alex Berger

Competition Crew
Henry Anderson
Katie Thoreson
Ben McKenzie
Alec McCoy
Callie Stevens
Alyssa Thome
Joshua Hoehne
Kira Bauman
Lexi Ehresmann
Breanna Masgai

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