ERHS Theater

Agatha Christie’s, The Hollow opens on Friday, September 19th in the Black Box theater at East Ridge. The show is directed by our own Marcie Berglund and will be performed over the next two weekends. Log onto Save $3.00 per student ticket by using the code HSBOOSTERS on the first screen in the lower right corner when you select your number of tickets.

If you were unable to attend the parent meeting last night, please review the presentation below and contact Amanda, Francine or Jimmy with any questions.

Parent Meeting

Join the lofties at Valley Scare for a fun and educational experience! On October 3rd at 4:00pm we will leave ERHS by bus and head out to an evening at Valley Scare. Behind the scenes tours, demonstrations and scare-actor lessons will start things out before students are released into the park for an evening of scary fun! Please print out the attached information and field trip form and return it with your payment to Ms. Hestwood no later than Wednesday, September 17th.

Valley Scare

If you were unable to attend the meeting or would like to review the presentation, you can download it via the link below. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Jimmy at

Tech Meeting Presentation

Thank you to everyone who auditioned. This was a truly exceptional round of auditions making our decisions very difficult. For those of you who are not on this list, PLEASE continue to work on your singing, acting and dancing and join us next year. Our winter show, Almost, Maine and our spring show The Crucible will also have large casts and we invite you to come out for those shows as well. Finally, please consider participating in our crew for Into the Woods. Our crew meeting is Thursday, September 11 at 3:15pm in the choir room. Please come and learn how you can be a part of what promises to be an outstanding production. Students in the cast should plan to meet on Thursday, September 11th at 3:15pm.


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