ERHS Theater

Thank you to everyone who auditioned. For those of you who did not make the cast, PLEASE continue to work on your singing, acting and dancing and join us next year. Our winter show, Our Town and our spring show Once in a Lifetime will also have large casts and we invite you to come out for those shows as well. Finally, please consider participating in our crew for The Little Mermaid. Our crew meeting is Friday, September 16th at 3:15pm in room 1035. Please come and learn how you can be a part of what promises to be an outstanding production.

Cast, please meet in the choir room after school.


If you are new to LoftPAC, please connect yourself on as many platforms of communication listed below as possible!:

*Remind 101: Text @loftpa to 81010.

*Add Maggie Eckberg on Facebook and she will add you to the Loft Stage Students page.

*Go to the “Connect” tab on the Loft Stage website and click “Join Mailing List” to receive the monthly newsletter.

*Follow @theloftstage on both Twitter and Instagram.

Auditions–Please sign up for an audition time ASAP. If you are a veteran Loftie, please sign up to do your singing/acting audition  Monday after school. If you are a new Loftie, please sign up for Wednesday singing/acting if possible. For dance, sign up for Tuesday night at 8 (new time) or Wednesday. Do not register yet, just sign up for an audition.

Registration for LoftPAC–New for this year, all Lofties must register for LoftPAC (Drama Club) on the ERHS website just as you would for a sport. There is no cost to register. It is extremely essential that you register for LoftPAC in order for us to receive proper funding and stipends. This registration is due October 3rd. More information will be released soon. Stay tuned.

LoftPAC Meetings–Our monthly LoftPAC meetings will be held on the first Monday of every month in Room 1035.

London/Dublin Meeting–For anyone who is newly interested in attending our trip in June of 2017 to London and Dublin should attend an upcoming informational meeting on September 21st at 6:30 in the Choir Room. Parents and students are both encouraged to attend.

Tech Meeting–The meeting for all those interested in doing tech (lighting, sound, makeup, costumes, etc.) for the Little Mermaid is being held Friday, September 16th in Room 1035.

Parent Meeting–The parent meeting for all those involved in The Little Mermaid will be held Tuesday, September 20th.

Auditions for The Little Mermaid will be held September 12-14th in the Loft Stage.

Students are invited to an audition workshop on Friday, September 9th, immediately following the first LoftPAC meeting of the year.

Students should sign-up for a time to do a dance call (September 13th or 14th) as well as a singing/acting audition time (September 12th or 14th). Veteran Lofties are asked to sign-up early in the week if at all possible.

At the dance call, students will rehearse a short combo and audition in small groups. Not all parts require dance but dancers are encouraged to audition no matter their vocal ability. Please dress in comfortable clothes and shoes. No boots or flip-flops!

At the vocal/acting audition, students will be asked to either perform a song of their choice (minimum 32 bars) or we will teach a selection from the show for the audition. We recommend selecting a song in the Disney songbook or in the same genre. There is nothing to prepare for the acting audition. Come ready and willing to go under the sea!

Please sign-up for your audition as soon as possible!


Thespian Points: All Thespian point sheets should be completed as soon as possible so we can tally up total points for the end of the year. If you would like to add more points to your sheet, see Mrs.Hestwood.

Lettering Forms: If you are interested in lettering in theatre this year, pick up a form outside of Mrs.Hestwood’s office. Forms are due April 15th.

Pics/Videos for Banquet: Cali needs your pictures from various Loftie events/shows this year ASAP! Send any photos that you have to All photos are due by April 15th.

Registration for the Spring Play: If you have not registered for the spring play, it is now LATE. Get that in ASAP!!

Registration for Relay for Life: If you would like to be apart of the Loftie Relay for Life team, registration is due April 15th. The information to register is online at under the LoftPAC tab. If you have an questions, contact

Spotlight Rehearsals: The rehearsal calendar for the Spotlight “Fiddler on the Roof” medley is now posted on the Loft Stage website. Check it out!

Spring Play Ushers: We need ushers for the spring play! If you are available, see Mrs.Hestwood.

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