ERHS Theater

October LoftPac Minutes

  • New York trip will be March/April 2019
  • Butterbraid Fundraiser: selling begins now, orders need to be turned in by Friday, October 27th and pick up will be November 17th (just in time for Thanksgiving) money has to be collected at the time the customer places their order, and checks need to be made out to East Ridge High School. You need to pick up your orders on Friday, November 17th or get someone else to pick it up because we will not have any freezer space to store it.
  • We will be doing a ticket exchange with Woodbury High School to see their musical High School Musical on Thursday, November 16th at 7pm. Let Tony know if you plan to attend so we can get a rough number. We will carpool to Woodbury High School.
  • The Abominables at The Children’s Theatre is Minnesota’s first hockey musical. Carter Bannwarth a 9th grader at East Ridge is in the show, and our one act director Leah is part of the show too!
  • Tickets to Joseph are on sale. Order today Adults: $10 and students/seniors: $8
  • Movie Night @ The Loft on Friday, December 15th 7pm-10pm Do the survey monkey to vote for the movie you want to see: Little Shop of Horrors vs Dr. Horrible’s Sing – Along Blog
  • Loftie Booing has begun! When you get booed, you must boo two more people within two days of being booed with a basket of Halloween-related goods (no more then $20 all together). When you get booed text Tony to get names of people that you must boo 651-769-4781
  • Valley Scare will be Saturday, October 14th from 6:30pm-12am. The cost is $30/person and we will need at least 15 people to go. Cash or checks are acceptable. Checks should be made to “The Loft Stage” We will be carpooling.
  • Newsies at Chanhassen Dinner Theatre on Thursday, April 5th. Registration will open in February.
  • Finish Diamonds ASAP
  • Check out Ashland!

Click the link to access our ticketing system

Tickets for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat are now on sale! Our new online system, Vendini, allows patrons to select a seat of their choosing and tickets may even be redeemed from a cellphone through the partner application, Walletini. Tickets may also be printed from or picked up at will call the evening of the show. Please email Jeriann Jones, at, with all ticketing questions.


Thank you so much for your enthusiasm about the East Ridge theatre program! We aim to give students a top-notch theatre education and none of that would be possible without you!

Here’s a recap of the meeting:

  • Student expectations: be on time, be prepared, communicate conflicts proactively, remain in good academic standing, utilize Loft Stage website for calendars
  •  Scene shop rules: safety, dressing appropriately, adult supervision
  • Registration: all participants of the musical will need to register through the activities office FeePay system. The registration fee is $65 and must be paid by September 29th. While registering, please also do the same for LoftPAC, our drama club. There is no fee associated but enrollment allows admin/district a clear picture of participation and can dictate future staffing/funding.
  • T-shirts: pay attention to the Loft Stage website for upcoming Joseph t-shirt orders.
  • Important dates: Please review the slideshow for a list of important/mandatory dates!
  • Remind 101: text Message: text @erhsjo17 to 81010 or Email: send email to
  •  Social media: Join us on Facebook, Twitter (@theloftstage), and Instagram (@theloftstage)
  • Tickets: sales will begin tonight! Details can be found on

The presentation shown at tonight’s meeting can be found HERE.

Please fill out the following form to register parent contact information and to indicate area(s) of interest for our various booster committees: Parent Booster Link

Feel free to reach out to myself, any members of the production team, and/or booster leaders with any questions as they arise – we are all in this together!

Thank you to each and every one of you who auditioned for Joseph. We so admire your bravery and hard work, you made this a difficult task for us all! All cast please meet in the choir room at 3:15 on Friday for an informational meeting and first sing through. If you were not cast, and are interested in helping the production on the tech crew please attend the tech crew informational meeting on Friday at 3:15 in the choir room.

Thank you to all of the amazing talent who auditioned for Joseph and please remember to check the final cast list again tomorrow, we will be casting people who were not called back. If you are interested in helping the production in another way, please attend the tech meeting on Friday at 3:15 in the choir room.

Abby Feuer Erik Haering
Adam Garrity Ethan Williams
Adam Ryerse Gabby Franus
Alex Bretoi Jack Johnson
Alex Fisher Jonas Hallstrom
Allison Benjamin Kat Grannis
Arsema Belai Luke Pfluger
Cam Stevens McCrossen Schiller
Derek Montermini Natalie Engh
Elizabeth Avery Sammy Trevis
Emma Pfiefer Tony May
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