ERHS Theater

Auditions for our one act play will be held the first week in December in the black box theatre. Students should prepare a brief dramatic monologue for Monday’s audition. Tuesday’s callbacks will include sides from the actual show. The original adaptation can be found attached.

Prior to auditioning, all actors are expected to fill out the following audition form:

Please email one act director Leah Jensen with any questions (

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Hey Everyone,

Here’s the slide show from the November LoftPAC meeting. As usual, please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the other officers with any questions!

November LoftPAC Meeting

Additionally, the votes for stage to screen are in! We will be watching Kinky Boots!


Hey all,

Here’s the link to the slide show of the October’s LoftPAC meeting.

October LoftPAC Meeting Presentation 

If you have any questions about anything, feel free to contact any of the officers (all our emails are on the right side of this webpage). Have a good Weekend!

Jared Doran

Are you involved in LoftPAC? Are you interested in becoming involved? Want to meet others involved? Just want to have some fun with other lofties? Make sure to come to the loftPAC party tomorrow at 7 pm at Jared (and Alex) Doran’s house! We are planing on being outside in the back yard and doing a bonfire; if it rains we will go inside. There will be food, drinks, and lots of fun so make sure you’re there! However, in order to have food, we need you to bring something to share! Feel free to bring chips, sweets, fruits/veggies, or anything you like to eat to share with everyone. Additionally, plan on putting on/wearing bug spray because the Doran’s backyard is right up next to a wooded area. If you can’t make it the whole time, come for any part of it! If you missed the address, please email or text Jared Doran ( and he’ll get it to you We plan on being done around 10:30. Make sure to come!

For those that were unable to attend the parent meeting or wanted to review the presentation again, you can find it here:

Parent Meeting Presentation

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