Join the LoftPAC for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to London, England in June of 2013.  We will have a meeting for interested travelers and their parents on September 25th at 6:30pm in the choir room at East Ridge.  Please don’t miss this opportunity see incredible theater, sites and travel the world. Go to and enter Tour # 1125692 for more information.


If you missed the meeting, please read the minutes! Remember that LoftPAC meets the first Monday of every month.

LoftPAC Minutes – September 10 2012

I am proud to announce that Jayden Cline and Julia Reimann are the recipients of our ERHS Triple ‘A’ Award nominations.

Sponsored by the Minnesota State High School League, the AAA Award – Academics, Arts, and Athletics – is a unique recognition program designed exclusively for Minnesota high school seniors who have excelled in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in the fine arts. Every member school of the League is invited to nominate one girl and one boy for the Triple “A” Award. Nominees must be a senior in high school, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, participate in MSHSL fine arts and/or athletic activities, and comply with the MSHSL Student Code of Conduct.

Here is the form for all students who wish to attend The Lion King with East Ridge High School on January 17th.

Lion King info form

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Thespian Point System

Please use the following form to submit theatrical work, past and present, in order to keep accurate records for spring induction.

Click the following link to see the suggested point values for theatre-related activities:

Suggested Point Values

Lettering Policy

In order to earn an East Ridge letter in theatre, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Participate in each of the three main-stage productions in some capacity (e.g. acting, technician, set construction, ushering, etc.).
  2. Earn a bear minimum of ten Thespian points for East-Ridge-related theatre activities (see details above about point allocations).
  3. Complete at least ten set construction hours in the East Ridge scene shop. This total is inclusive of individual production requirements.

Please use the above Google form to input participation as that documentation will be used to track lettering as well.

LoftPAC Officers

Neela Estochen – Tech Representative
Kylie Estochen – Community Outreach
Hailey Engelking – Communications
Maddie Gerber – Historian
Chandler Schmitz – Education Outreach
Macey Spolidoro – Community Building