Fall Musical

Students wishing to order pictures for the fall production of The Little Mermaid should print out this form and bring it with them on Wednesday night along with a check or credit card number.

dramapacket new-gen-insert

Tickets to our fall musical, The Little Mermaid, are now available for purchase online. Click on the Tickets link above to order yours now! Our Box Office will open one hour before showtime for all performances. In addition, tickets can be purchased at ERHS on October 25-27, November 1-3 and November 8-10 from 11:00am-1:00pm. Please enter the school from the Activities entrance.

This year, all students involved in the musical will register through the activities office. All crew, cast and orchestra must register by September 30th in order to be a part of the show. The link for registration is REGISTER

For those that were unable to make the parent meeting, or those that just need to review the presentation, please find it below and please ask us if you have any questions.

Parent Meeting Presentation

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