
The October Loft Stage Newsletter was emailed to newsletter subscribers on 10/01/2021.  Click here to view a copy.


Thanks so much for coming to the parent info session last night! As always, it was great to see familiar faces and it was even more wonderful to see some new ones. We love to have the involvement from as many parents as we can, so your interest in and willingness to help keeps our program afloat!

Here is a brief summary of key details from the meeting. The full slideshow can be found here.

  1. Please take a few moments to fill out the following google form. We use information from this for future parent contact and for creating volunteer committees.
  2. Please sign up for the Les Mis Remind – @erlesmis – We will use this form of communication for quick and important announcements. There was a parent request to use this during tech week to inform parents of extended rehearsal times as we tend to run later into the evening the week before opening. We appreciate this request and will do our best to let families know through this channel.
  3. The online rehearsal calendar is updated for the next two weeks and can be viewed here:
  4. Should a student need to miss rehearsal, he or she is responsible for communicating any unexpected absences proactively to both Kajsa Jones ( and to me (
  5. Please register online for the musical via the Activities office FeePay system: All musical participants are required to register by Friday, September 14th.
  6. If you haven’t already done so, you can order your Les Mis t-shirt here:
  7.  Remember to completely clear your schedules after MEA.
  8. Lastly, here are a few more important dates to put on your calendars:

9/12 – Children’s Auditions – encourage those little performers to come audition!

9/21 – Program Photos – if you are not there that day, your photo will be omitted from the program

9/28 – tshirt and makeup kit orders due

9/29 – Poster plaster

MEA Weekend – Set load in (optional but we’d LOVE your help!)

10/25 – First combined rehearsal with orchestra

10/27 – Sound Tech Saturday

11/3 – Tech Saturday

11/9-11 & 11/16-18 – Performances

11/18 – Set Strike

Please let Kajsa Jones, director ( and/or Katie Carlson, assistant director ( know if you have any questions or concerns. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to our fabulous booster board all of whom have email contacts listed here:


Purchase your 2018 theater banquet tickets here:

2018 Theater Banquet Tickets

Please purchase by May 10th.


Thank you so much for your enthusiasm about the East Ridge theatre program! We aim to give students a top-notch theatre education and none of that would be possible without you!

Here’s a recap of the meeting:

  • Student expectations: be on time, be prepared, communicate conflicts proactively, remain in good academic standing, utilize Loft Stage website for calendars
  •  Scene shop rules: safety, dressing appropriately, adult supervision
  • Registration: all participants of the musical will need to register through the activities office FeePay system. The registration fee is $65 and must be paid by September 29th. While registering, please also do the same for LoftPAC, our drama club. There is no fee associated but enrollment allows admin/district a clear picture of participation and can dictate future staffing/funding.
  • T-shirts: pay attention to the Loft Stage website for upcoming Joseph t-shirt orders.
  • Important dates: Please review the slideshow for a list of important/mandatory dates!
  • Remind 101: text Message: text @erhsjo17 to 81010 or Email: send email to
  •  Social media: Join us on Facebook, Twitter (@theloftstage), and Instagram (@theloftstage)
  • Tickets: sales will begin tonight! Details can be found on

The presentation shown at tonight’s meeting can be found HERE.

Please fill out the following form to register parent contact information and to indicate area(s) of interest for our various booster committees: Parent Booster Link

Feel free to reach out to myself, any members of the production team, and/or booster leaders with any questions as they arise – we are all in this together!

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Booster Board

Booster Board List Serv

Amanda Hestwood

Ann Walz

Joyce Loveridge
Communications Chair

Dave Sayers
Treasurer / Patron Program Chair

Jen Estochen
Volunteer Chair

Kristie Eid
Hospitality Chair

Heather Rohm
Events Chair

Booster Documents
The Loft Stage Patrons

The Loft Circle ($2000+)
The Gilboe Family
Heart and Mind Fund of Diana Hestwood and Earl Orf
The Ippoliti Family
The Jones Family
The John and Darla Samuelson Family
The Parenteau Stevens Family

Angels ($1000-$1999)
The Benjamin Famliy
The Feuer Family
The Haering Family
The Pfluger Family
The Sorensen Family
The Spicuzza Family
Jimmy Stocco, III
The Winston Family
The Youngdahl Family

Benefactors ($500-$999)
The Avent Family
The Bannwarth Family
The Eckberg Family
Chance and Michele Garrity
Greg and Lori Kostick
The Roeser Family
The Stevenson Family
The Sullivan Family

Donors ($250-$499)
The Bartel Family
The Bramel Family
Brian and Kris Christensen
The Dols/Montermini Family
The Emery Family
The Engert Family
The Grannis Family
The Reimann Family
The Ryerse Family
The Sayers Family
The Sharrer Family
The Sherburne Family
The Weber Family

Advocates ($100-$249)
Alex Berger
The Chang Family
The Deppa Family
Jim and Cindy Dunlap
The Erikstrup Family
The Finn Family
Richard and Melanie Foy
The Fritz Family
Craig and Monica Hamer
Amanda Hestwood
The Horan Family
Lynda James-Gilboe
The Krish Family
The LaFontaine-Larson Family
Beth Martin
Sandra Masgai
(in Memory of Grandpa Gene)
The May Family
The McCoy Family
The Miller Family
The NewKirk Family
(in Memory of Richard W. Jones)
Ann and Greg O’Meara
The Ouradnik Family
The Pfeifer Family
The Sandberg Family
Katherine Spicuzza
Jody Stibitz
The Trevis Family
Twin Cities Sports Collectors Club
The VanDeest Family
The Walker Family
(in Memory of Flo Walker)
The Williams Family

Friends ($25-$99)
Laurie Asunma
The Doran Family
The Dulka Family
Juliana Elchert
Gerald and Carol Jevning
(in Memory of Richard W. Jones)
The Melody Lee Family
Louise Ouradnik
Brigitte Parenteau
Debby Reisinger
Vickie and Mike Roeser
The Sayers Family
The Seif Family
Melissa Steinke
Jody Stibitz
Cindy Thompson and Family
Phillip Victor
Kay Welte