If you haven’t already, please fill out the tech crew interest form. This helps us know what crews you are interested in participating on.

Tech Crew Interest Form

If you missed the tech meeting on Friday, September 16th, please take a look at the presentation below and email Jimmy (jstocco@theloftstage.org) if you have any questions. Don’t forget to check out the calendar for the meeting times for the different crews and come to a meeting if you are interested in participating.

Tech Meeting Presentation

Please sign-up for a time to help with set construction so that we can plan for who is going to be there and make sure we have sufficient supervision. The sign-ups start on the 26th, but we have set construction prior to that which doesn’t require you to sign-up. If you have any questions, please email George (gjuaire@theloftstage.org) or Jimmy (jstocco@theloftstage.org).

Set/Props Construction Sign-Up Form